Thursday, December 10, 2020

Moving Into Flow | Alcazar Quotes

Moving Into Flow

Joy [a participant] is saying, “I've always been bothered with time and trying to accomplish things within a time limit. Now I'm finding it does not matter.” So time is an interesting thing. Time is changing. Your experience of time is changing. Time and mind are connected. I've heard that I don't remember who said it, but one of the masters said, “Never mind time. Time and mind are connected.” The more we move into our heart, the more we move into the flow. The less dependent on time we are for getting things done, things start to flow. Things happen in the appropriate moment. So again. the old has pressured us to do things on time, but more and more it's about allowing the flow and then very often things happen far easier.

- Prageet

Going Quantum, 2020, Session 11

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