By Tiara Kumara, December 18, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Do not be overwhelmed. This is a time of great change. Observe. Be aware. Be alert. Take one step at a time. Follow what is in your heart. You will understand what your direction is to be.
Truth, simplicity and love is the guide for living in this world. Observe change through the teachings of truth, simplicity and love.
The unreal cannot overwhelm the real. Great change cannot overwhelm the real. Your strength is greater than the maya of change. Your heart is greater than the maya of change. Your higher self is greater than the maya of change.
The maya of change passes, fades into nothing. The real remains, eternal, observing. Attach to the real and triumph over the maya of change. Follow what is in your heart and overcome the maya of change.
Change is the law of the universe. The lower self is overwhelmed by change. The higher self is unmoved, alert, aware, and unconditionally observing. Change is merely the maya of Shiva’s dance. Understand this and rise above the unreal.