How Intuition Protects You: One Experience
When we were in Israel, we were in the Habima Theater, a large theater there, with a group. I was on the stage talking to the audience and all of a sudden the fire alarm went off very loud. An announcement came over the speakers saying, “Please evacuate the building.” And Alcazar said, “It's OK. It's a false alarm.” And so we carried on and a couple of minutes later, the workshop organizer, came running in saying, “You have to go out! You have to go out. There's a fire somewhere.” And I said, “No, it's OK. It's not a fire. It's a false alarm.” Then somebody the from the theater company came running in and said, “You need to leave. You need to leave. You have to come out right now.” He was making people stand up. And so people started to stand up and seemed a little bit confused about what to do. Over the speaker came another announcement. “It's OK. This is a false alarm. You can go back.”
So it's fascinating that things like this can happen. When something is happening like that, the first thing that comes up is a survival fear, which is quite natural. But then, if you can just tune in, ask your Superconsciousness, “What do I do?” Follow the intuitive guidance that comes. Not the fear, but the intuitive guidance. So how do you know the difference? Practice allowing the guidance to come from your intuition. Practice and follow your intuition. Follow the small guidance, the quiet voice or the feeling that comes from your Superconsciousness through your intuition. And so following your intuition is an important practice also, because if you practice this in situations, like emergency situations, you don't allow the fear to take over. Listen and follow. Several people over the years have written in and described what happened to them and how following their intuition has actually taken care of them, led them to safety.
- Prageet
Going Quantum, 2020, Session 11
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How Intuition Protects you: One Experience | Alcazar Quotes
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/09/2020 11:14:00 AM