Gradual Ascension, Much to Learn | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, November 30, 2020

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Gradual Ascension, Much to Learn – Part 1/2

I find bliss relatively easy to access these days compared to, say, a year ago. This is progress. It’s a gradual unfolding, so gradual for us that we may not even notice it.

This is how it has to be – slow and easy – as far as I’m concerned.

I remember sitting in an Adyashanti workshop and a young woman had a question. She had no spiritual background and was into heavy metal and then, suddenly, this experience happened and she had no idea what it was.

And it turned her life upside down and she wanted Adya to tell her what happened. After she described it, Adya said that it sounded like she had had an enlightenment experience. I’d now estimate it to have been Brahmajnana – sudden illumination at the Seventh Chakra, the first transcendental experience. One step away from Ascension. (1)

She confided that she thought she was going nuts. She had no one she could talk to about what had happened. No one understood her.

This same confusion is what we can expect unless the subject of Ascension is well explained to the general public and unless our minds, hearts, and bodies are prepared for the experience of it.

(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)


(1) Which is beyond the Third-Dimensional Seven Chakra system. The actual culminating event of Ascension is Sahaja (Natural) Nirvikalpa (No movement in the mind) Samadhi (suspension of ordinary consciousness).

If Ascension happened tomorrow, most people would find themselves unable to hold the energy. We have to be prepared for it.

By Steve Beckow, December 1, 2020

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Gradual Ascension, Much to Learn – Part 2/2

Yesterday I wrote:

“The actual culminating event of Ascension is Sahaja (Natural) Nirvikalpa (No movement in the mind) Samadhi (suspension of ordinary consciousness).

“If Ascension happened tomorrow, most people would find themselves unable to hold the energy. We have to be prepared for it.”

Most people on Earth, if Ascension happened right now – this is my guess – would not be able to stand the altered conditions and refuse Ascension or else choose to die (whether they ascend or not).

I can’t see the Mother planning things to work out that way. Things must be slow, easy, gradual if we’re intending to take the majority of Earth’s population with us.

The question then arises: What are we lightworkers doing to prepare the mass of Earth’s population for Ascension?

The image keeps knocking around in my head to compare the individual experience of Ascension (or Sahaja Samadhi) in a person ignorant of what’s happening to what we used to call in the Sixties a “bad trip.” People would sometimes end up in hospitals after taking LSD. These bad trips were seen as “psychotic episodes.”

I’m pretty sure that it’d be relevant to compare people’s misunderstood Ascension experiences to a bad trip.

And that’s just on the mental/emotional level. On the physical level, if Ascension went ahead before Earth’s population was ready, or the process preceding it went too fast, large numbers of us would be in hospitals with ailments we don’t understand.

I personally think we should be preparing for what’s ahead but I’m not even sure what preparation would look like. How does one prepare for Ascension? Lightworker humor: I don’t remember.
  • Calming the mind through meditation?
  • Getting the body in shape through yoga or any similar system?
  • Learning about Ascension, dimensionality, the Divine Plan, our star family, etc.?
  • Creating improved communication skills, including refreshing our listening skills?
  • Lightening our load by processing our vasanas and dropping our automatic patterns?
I know that large events are happening in the outside world, and they are compelling, but, as a lightworker, my concern is with (1) the alternative to what’s happening out there and (2) what’s happening in here.
Gradual Ascension, Much to Learn | Steve Beckow Gradual Ascension, Much to Learn | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/01/2020 10:55:00 PM Rating: 5

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