Thursday, December 17, 2020

Feel our Chakras Fall Away? Excuse me, Mother? | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, December 16, 2020

(Golden Age of Gaia)

The Divine Mother said some remarkable things in her last message through Linda Dillon, as Our Lady of Guadaloupe. Here’s one:

“As this [spiralling ascent and descent of energies] is occurring your gateways are opening. What you think of as chakras, or portals, these are gateways and far more than simply inter or multi-dimensional gateways… these are your freedom centers. Feel them fall away as if the ancient bridges that defended the castles have finally simply disintegrated.” (1)

Excuse me, Mother? See our chakras fall away? Surely you can’t mean that. I need my chakras, don’t I?

Audio of meditation:

Believe it or not, we don’t need them where we’re going, as enlightened sage Da Free John illustrated. I apologize for the length of this quote but a discussion like this cannot be found in very many places and is important. Da Free John observed his seventh chakra fall away.

“In February I passed through an experience that seemed to vindicate my understanding. … I saw that what appeared as the sahasrar, the terminal chakra and primary lotus in the head, had been severed. The sahasrar had fallen off like a blossom. The Shakti [the Mother’s energy], which previously had appeared as a polarized energy that moved up and down through the various chakras or centers producing various effects, now was released from the chakra form.

“There was no more polarized force. Indeed, there was no form whatsoever, no up or down, no chakras. The chakra system had been revealed as unnecessary, an arbitrary rule or setting for the play of energy. The form beneath all of the bodies, gross or subtle, had revealed itself to be as unnecessary and conditional as the bodies themselves. …

“Now I saw that reality or real consciousness was not in the least determined by any kind of form apart from itself. Consciousness had shown its radical freedom and priority in terms of the chakra form. It had shown itself to be senior to that whole structure, dissociated from every kind of separate energy or Shakti. There was simply consciousness itself, prior to all forms, all dilemmas, every kind of seeking and necessity.” (2)

Unfortunately Ascension was not discussed in the early 1970s, when Da Free John wrote his book. Nor did people speak about dimensions. And I have no way of knowing whether his experience was Ascension. But it’s a step along the way, for sure.

I asked the Divine Mother about Ascension and the falling away of the Third-Dimensional chakra system and she confirmed Da Free John’s observations.

Steve Beckow: I’m trying to understand what level of enlightenment Ascension corresponds to. And I think it’s beyond the normal seventh-chakra enlightenment. I think it is what is called — and I’ll make this clear to readers — sahaja samadhi. Am I correct?

Divine Mother: Yes, it is beyond what you think of [as] your seven chakras. … We have emerged from the Third-Dimensional realm, which is that reference point for the chakra system, into the new. So yes, you are correct, in this question and in this statement. (3)

That’s the sum total of discussions of the matter that I’m aware of. But one of them is from the fount of all knowledge, the Divine Mother. So we’ve emerged from the Third Dimension and are now ready to drop one of its structures, the seven-chakra system.

The Mother then goes on to give a description of a fourth-chakra enlightenment experience in the form of a heart opening: (4)

“From the center of your heart allow the implosion/explosion of your golden filaments as if they are exploding, not only through you but certainly through you, and outside into your expanded field and far beyond. But, let’s start there because we are opening your DNA… these are simply luminous golden fibers. You don’t try, simply allow… I am doing this. … Allow who you are, child, to come forth.” (5)

The center of the heart is the seat of the soul and I can vouch for the fact that that is where the Self “resides.”

If she’s referring to the planetary heart opening which we’ve heard about previously, whoopee for Planet Earth!

Imagine a whole planet that knows what transformative/transfigurative love is. That’s going to be a game changer.

The Mother invites us to do 12 days of her meditation:

“And so, … I am asking of you, I am requesting of you, that you will do this meditation at noon, or 12:12, for the next 12 days, through the 24th of December. Because what you are doing… think of it in this way… you are latching the doorway open. You are locking it down in a human/divine partnership for the completion of the completion, and for the beginning of the new.” (6)

Let that take our minds off the world’s mayhem while bringing down and anchoring the new.


(1) “Linda Dillon: Our Lady of Guadalupe – The Re-Opening of 12:12 Meditation & Activation,” December 13, 2020, at

(2) Da Free John, The Knee of Listening. Original Edition. Clearlake, CA; Dawn Horse Press, 1984; c1973, 117-9.

(3) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at Sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi is Ascension. Sahaja = natural; nirvikalpa = no movement in the mind; samadhi = trancelike state of concentration. Enter “sahaja” in the search box for articles on it.

(4) Fourth-chakra enlightenment needn’t come by way of a heart opening; it could be a vision of one’s Spiritual Ideal or the sight of a brilliant Light or of clouds of consciousness. The form can differ.

(5) “The Divine Mother,” ibid.

(6) Loc. cit.