Be Yourself & Let Others Respond as They Chose
Question: Why have some of my family, since my childhood, had so much animosity towards the 'light' part of me?
Prageet: This is something that many people have experienced and still experience. When you are vibrating in the higher frequencies, you are happy. You're smiling and radiant. When you are radiant and people see that, it reminds them of what they're not. It reminds them of their misery, their difficulty, their struggles.
In that situation they resent you. They resent that you're reminding them of what they're not living because, inside, everyone wants to be happy. Inside, everyone wants to live in joy. Inside, everybody wants to live in abundance. And so, if you're happy and smiling and radiating just love, part of the reaction you will get is resentment. Others will really appreciate it. And so just be yourself and allow other people to respond or react in whatever way they choose.
- Prageet
Going Quantum, Session 12
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