Monday, December 7, 2020
Awakening from Materialism and from Others’ Approval | Mónica Esgueva
December 6, 2020,
(Golden Age of Gaia)
The other day I was reflecting about the meaning behind the quote: “For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
What did Master Jesus mean with this? I find this particularly relevant to aspects of our current society, ones solely based on superficial elements related to wealth, fame and measurable achievements.
I actually reckon He was referring to the required release of what is earthly and material, and to our great resistance to letting go. We’re at a time when people are primarily interested in the physical aspects of life, not caring much for the deep and spiritual ones.
This makes the whole ascension process complicated for humanity and also hard for those of us who are already awake, since there’s not much support received from our culture or our environment to follow an inner path of consciousness. This has always been our challenge and our predicament. We had to build an incredible inner strength and faith in order to keep going while being misunderstood, laughed at and very often totally isolated.
Many people are absorbed by their daily lives, trapped in their never ending desires and apparent material needs, bombarded by misleading information from the news, stupefied by social media, asleep to the greater inner truth. They then resist questioning all received propaganda, refusing to let go of the concepts and beliefs that they hold as dear and precious.
In this age, materialism is often the main guiding star…the core belief in a world that believes ownership and possession to be the most important of all; far more important than spiritual values, more important than love, more important than true connection with others.
At the summit of this is the use of money to buy, for money is considered to be power, freedom and happiness. These beliefs make it almost impossible for humans who are asleep to detach and to die to materialism. I consider that Master Jesus was referring to letting go of the possessive beliefs that can end up owning us.
It’s only by releasing and walking away from those beliefs that we can align with Christ Consciousness. Only by dying to its grasp can freedom be found, allowing the soul to emerge in our lives.
This is the real awakening, free from materialism and from others’ approval. Master Jesus was not talking about losing the physical life. On the contrary, He was referring to beliefs that bind and hold so many prisoner. The loss of these fake values and material possessions is what grants us the freedom to find our essence, our true Self.