Saturday, December 19, 2020

Archangel Michael on Our Fifth-Dimensional Chakra System | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, December 19, 2020

(Golden Age of Gaia)

A number of you showed interest in the discussion of the chakra system falling away so, when I came across a discussion of the subject while researching Ascension, I decided to repost it.

“Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 3/10,” July 16, 2014, at

Steve: It’s my understanding that the chakra system relates to third dimensionality. Will there be a chakra system in fifth dimensionality? And if so what are the differences going to be in that system, and how will it perform and operate?

Archangel Michael: The chakra system that you have been working with was already altered years ago. And yes, there will be a chakra system, simply because… think of it as energy centers.

Now, what you have thought of as your chakra system in the old third dimension has been a system of separation. And traditionally you have worked with seven, although you know that there are hundreds of chakras, even in the third-dimensional reality.

But you have thought of these, even when you have adjusted them and attuned them and had them open and operating, you have thought of them as separate centers and that each center was defined and, might I say, limited to certain functionalities.

Now, of course that is not so. So you are thinking of a system of chakras that is completely interlinked. And it is, within your body, certainly 13 above; many below, many. And throughout your quadrants, many. And all of it is activated and harmonious.

You are still going to have a physical form so your chakra system is akin to your spiritual generators and in your crystalline form they are all humming, spinning, receiving, sending, activated, at once.

Now some of you have had this experience. You feel quite literally like you are humming, like your body is humming, that you are filled with more electricity than magnetic energy, that you feel that you are highly charged. And, my friend, you are.

So yes, there will be a chakra system. Now, this was given to you and introduced a while ago. Some of you are working with the expanded chakra system; some of you are not. That does not mean that it is not activated. It is…