All the Galaxies and Planets | Heavenletters
DEC 10 2020
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Come into My heart right now. Without further ado, come into My heart. My heart is set for you. I have saved a place just for you. Your place is here. This is where I invite you. This is where you belong. As you wend your way in the world, so are you seated simultaneously within My heart and beside Me in the tryst of Our love. Never do you leave My side nor I yours. No matter how far you may wander, you cannot wander from Me, nor can I from you, not that I ever would. I have no such desire.
I cannot be lonely because I have a whole world to embrace with you in it. In Oneness, there is not loneliness. It would be lonely without Oneness. A million lonely beings together are lonely together precisely because each knows that Oneness exists, and that they are to share this Oneness. There is nothing else like it. Not all the gold in the world lights a candle to Oneness. Love does. True love does light a candle to Oneness. In fact, supreme love is Oneness Supreme.
There is value in looking at the photos of all the galaxies and planets and suns in the Universe. There is value in seeing the magnificent planet Earth as a tiny dot in the whole utterly exquisite Universe. There is value. There is also value in seeing yourself as encompassing, not only the planet Earth, but the entire Universe. You are bigger than the big, greater than the great. There is nothing greater than you. I include Myself there as well, for I am you, and you are I. I am All-Knowing. You, on the other hand, don’t know all you know so, for a while, you are All-Uncertain.
But you are not a fragment of Wholeness. You are Wholeness. You haven’t quite made that full discovery yet. You can’t quite climb up on that wonderful news. How close you are to sighting this new land. You have an inch further to go, yet, of course, that inch seems like a mile to you, and a little time seems like a hundred eons as you look at the world and the Universe with wide-open eyes. Yet it is not even an inch the distance you perceive, and it is not even a blink of an eye the time you think it takes for you to touch the Base of all your desires. Your awareness is imminent. Of course, it is long overdue in your view, and you want a finite definition of imminent. How imminent, you ask. How soon.
It cannot be soon enough for you, and yet you delay it. Here is the beautiful Ocean. All you have to do is to dive in. You say you don’t know how. You ask all and sundry: “How cold is the water of the Ocean? How far down does it go? Has anyone been lost in it and never seen again? Can I get back out after I’m once in? Can I go back in again after I’m once out?”
Your questions continue like those cut-out paper dolls holding hands that you used to cut out in elementary school with those short safe elementary school scissors. There is no break in your questions.
Beloveds, if you are looking for answers, it is better not to know everything, and it is better to not ask everything.
If a man is thirsty, he does not ask: “What temperature is the water? Is it spring water or distilled? Where did you get it? How long have you had it?”
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All the Galaxies and Planets | Heavenletters #3584
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/10/2020 10:06:00 PM