A Whole World Awaits You | Heavenletters
DEC 19 2020
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Consider that the world is a metaphor. It is a metaphor for itself. The world is a made-up thing. It is a play of detail with wholeness. Despite its appearance, the world is made from wholeness. The world was wrested from wholeness. Wholeness was scattered. The pieces wait for you to re-assemble them and so reveal the world’s inherent wholeness.
This takes a very lucid perception. How you change your perception is to lean back in your rocking chair, and see the world flashing past you. Illusory is the world. It is a vista that passes before your eyes. You are stationary.
Often you have looked at the world as a racing train you must catch up to or try to get away from. Actually, life is something you observe. All the races you run are discretionary. You reach further when you are still.
No need to chase trains. A train traverses certain routes and comes back again. You can always get on the train, if you must. But now get off for a while, and just watch the passing trains come and go. They move. You stand still.
Yet there is more to it than that. In actuality, even when you are on a fast-moving train, you are still. The trains speeds, and you who ride on it are still. No matter how fast the train runs, you are still. You are you on the train or off. Regardless of motion, you are still. And when you get off the train, you are the same stillness.
Certainly, the world seems to affect you. Sometimes you feel ridden with the world. But that which is you cannot be affected. The you that is you is wise and knows of affect far greater than any idiosyncrasy of the world.
Attachment to the world is only attachment to the world, and the world is an illusory thing. So also is your attachment to it. Whatever chains there are on you, you can snap them off. Chains are not inviolate. You are.
When you make a decision to lift your body off a chair, your body lifts. You do not need to sort every detail. The mechanism is automatic once you have decided what it is you want to do.
And so the mark you make on the world is your decision. You need not work out the details of it. Indeed, you cannot. All you have to do is decide. Embrace a decision.
Your life is a decision. There is a whole alphabet to choose from. Choose and you will be hoisted there.
A whole world awaits you. You have a millennium of choices. Choose where you want to go, and everything is decided. You do not have to choose the means to an end. All you have to do is choose the end. And then get started.
Once you have chosen, do not feel that you are ambling. It is not a waste of time to whistle along the path you have chosen.
As a matter of fact, all paths will take you where you want to go. So, in one sense, there is only one path, and you are on it. So, in that way, there is no decision for you to make. Instead of decision, know it then as a simple observance of where you are already going.
As the crow flies, you are coming to your recognition of Me.
I seek your recognition. All that I have sent out returns to Me. That is an inevitability. Your free will is limited to how and how soon. And even then, I intervene and make it sooner. You may call this the Grace of God. It is your destiny to have it.
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