Saturday, November 7, 2020

Why am I Attracting the Wrong Men? | Alcazar Quotes

Why Am I Attracting the Wrong Men?

Question: I notice a pattern in the type of men that I attract or are attracted to me. They are just not on my wavelength -- very limited, emotionally or spiritually -- and probably the ones that I would never approach myself. I cannot understand why only such men feel an attraction to me.

Alcazar: Beloved, this is perhaps a difficult thing to understand on the surface. You are creating an attraction in this way. You have a vibration, a frequency, a radiation that will draw to you those who you choose not to be with. Why is this? Why do you not deserve a partner, a lover who would be perfect for you? You are creating this from an early childhood experience. You are creating a programming where you cannot have that which you would like. It is possible to move deeper and deeper into the original issue, the original cause. So, you are on some level not allowing yourself to have the relationship that you would like. We could say, suggest, that it probably has to do with the relationship with your own father. That you could not have the type of relationship, the loving relationship with him. But this is a generalization. [Through a one to one] conversation with us, we can explore deeper.

- Alcazar

Returning to Innocence and Beauty: Freeing the Inner Child, 2017

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