By Steve Beckow, November 12, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Speaking of knowing, what can we say we know?
I say I know on the basis of whether I’ve experienced something deeply or realized it. Both give me a sense of certainty (not a superficial close-mindedness) that is my indicator of knowledge.
Well, then, what do we know about love? If love is the alpha and omega of life, then what can we say about it?
And here I encounter a feature of higher dimensionality, as seen from the lower dimension.
I haven’t actually heard anyone say anything about love itself, the nature of love. I’ve heard sages describe what love does (love is gentle; love is kind) and the effects of love on them.
But I’ve heard many talk about its abilities, its importance, even its pre-eminence. But I haven’t heard anyone actually say what love is.
That may be because of the limitations of my study. But it also may be because our third-dimensional language has no words for a higher-dimensional phenomenon.
It’s the same with joy or bliss or peace. We describe what they do and the effects on us but no one can find words to describe these divine states in and of themselves.
I’ve experienced several of them – love, bliss, peace, mastery, and abundance. I cannot find words for them. Each of them is delightful. I know them enough to know that they all end in love.
Whether the divine states are fundamental to life or not, I don’t know. But I orient towards them as if they are until proven otherwise because doing so produces insights and growth.
I may be confessing my failure to find words for higher-dimensional love, but I know what it feels like. And it’s exquisite. I personally don’t need words for love. I only need love itself. You can keep the rest.
Once we’re well established in this love – that is, after we ascend – we’ll all laugh. Oh, this is what the sages were talking about! THIS! How joyful to see that they were pointing at something of such value. And now we see – and feel – that something.
All pursuits, all passions, all strong desires are satisfied in the experience of transformative/transfigurative love. The desiring mind is finally quieted and we’re at peace.
But most people are looking for it outside themselves when it awaits them inside.
Try this simple exercise. On your in-breath, draw up love from your heart. On your outbreath, send it out to the world. Repeat. This is how to enjoy our own love.
Love must flow. We get to experience it as it flows through us. We may or may not get love from other people. I don’t know about that. But the real artesian well is in our hearts.
When the heart finally opens (1) and the inner tsunami of love flows, life begins.
Ideas go out the window. Experience leads to realization. Love has worked its intended effect.
This is the realm of real action. This is the realm of real significance.
(1) Ascension itself is a full and permanent heart opening, called Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi. We are gradually working up to it.
What Can We Say About Love? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/12/2020 09:55:00 PM