Out of the darkness and into the Light. Credit: Sam-smith.net
By Steve Beckow, November 7, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I may need to share somewhat more than I do usually because of the transition I’m going though. Zen adept Paul Reps would have called it “writing down the bones.”
I interpret “bones” to be basics and the phrase to mean writing in order to get to the basics, to the heart of the matter, writing to know the truth and heal.
I’m writing down the bones. I’m managing my stress level through writing and getting to the heart of the matter.
Everybody’s going through something – elation, depression, protesting, cocooning, etc.
I can only share what I’m going through.
You know what I went through around the election. I wanted to die. Four days knowing its (temporary) outcome and not being able to say anything to anyone.
It took me ages to interpret what happened to me and, if I were to distill all of it down to just a few sentences, I’d say: I’ve just been given a message, for the umpteenth time, to extricate myself from the political.
Remember that this message was part of a personal reading so it was definitely intended for me.
It was ingeniously done and I don’t want to go into it. It demonstrated what Michael said years ago that, if one opposes the Divine Plan, in this case as it applies to me (descending into the political trenches), one finds the going getting harder and harder. That’s exactly what was happening, as far as I’m concerned. The going just got harder and in response I cast aside the political.
Which, I speculate, was just what was wanted.
And I understand why it might be. I just don’t like it. Never mind the fact that I’m acting dualistically. Big never mind….
I’ve been following the white hats since 2007. I’m heavily invested in them. It’s so hard to break the bond of concern. It’s not Biden or Trump for me. It’s go, white hats!!!!
But that’s not the Plan for me. Why not? If I’m correct in what I’m speculating, my post-Reval mission will probably involve me speaking with heads of government about Six Point Plans. (1) I think Michael doesn’t want me to earn a name as a pugilistic journalist, which could prove a detriment later on.
Once that post-Reval part of my mission is over, I’m due to transition to the galactics and a reorganized UN, and I’m sure none of them want to be working with someone who is partisan. So I get it. I get it. I’m just being a seven-year-old about it. It’s my tantrum!
Be that as it may, in this phase of things, it feels as if the training wheels have been taken off and it remains to be seen whether I ride or fall off. The minimum of “riding” is to be able to conduct myself maturely. Sometimes I found even that challenging, I’m so invested in the outcome.
But, acting as a mature spiritual adult (I hope), I’m going to transition into fields that I love to discuss and talk about – spirituality first. That’s where my heart lies.
It’s my fondest desire to draw new maps of Nova Earth.
But, if I do, please remember. The Company of Heaven doesn’t want me enlightened. It does not serve their purposes or mine. Said Michael in 2013:
AAM: You did not come to live as a guru in a western or eastern manner. (2)
You know they’ve truncated even 7th-Dimensional experiences I’ve had. (3) They want me to remain with the group and communicate on our mutual way up. Everyone has their own unique role and mission. Mine is here.
What that means though is that I cannot speak to you with the enlightenment of a Patricia Diane Cota Robles, Matt Kahn, or Eckhart Tolle. I haven’t their sagacious wisdom to offer you. And, yes, I get irritable, hate answering my phone, and say “Oh my!” a lot. I can only “do” and be me.
I may also do more personal writing, using quotes sparingly, rather than scholarly writing, loaded with quotes. I sense that the Company of Heaven would like me to speak more on my own authority, to build that muscle for later. I feel it as an urge.
As well, I may take a few days off at some point. I confess I’m tired.
In social matters, I’ve found my voice: No retreat from the progress we’ve made in social reform. No let up in momentum towards a world that works for everyone. This world does not work for a majority of its people. The old, corrupt ways must go to make way for the new life-affirming ways.
In personal matters, I may not be down in the political trenches, having hung up my hat, but I’m certainly down in the coping-with-chaos trenches, with everyone else. I’d like to get beyond coping and be relaxed and peaceful. Perhaps my beachhead of understanding in his area of writing is: “From coping to peaceful.” Let that be my intention here.
In the end, all I can offer you (and I’m not speaking for the other beloved editors, who have their own missions and are “not me”) is to go along with me on my Ascension journey. And build a cross-cultural spirituality together. And write more books and build more databases. And listen and share and compare notes on this journey of journeys. There will never be another journey quite like it. Other Ascensions will be easier, I think, for what we learn on this first of its kind. (4)
(1) On Six Point Plans, see “The Big Change – Part 1,” May 8, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/05/08/the-big-change-part-1/
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2013.
(3) An experience of the oversoul (7th Dimension) that I had at a meditation retreat was amazing but it lacked bliss. Without bliss there’s no realization. One might as well be watching a movie. Michael told me they truncated it.
I consider a person who has had Seventh-Chakra enlightenment or Brahmajnana to be enlightened. Sahaja Samadhi is Ascension, a full and permanent heart opening.
(4) It’s the first mass/physical Ascension in this planet’s history, as far as I’m aware. Hey Siri….
This Journey of Journeys | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/07/2020 11:56:00 PM