(Golden Age of Gaia)
Guest Writer
Bethel Barr
This past summer I received a short message from the Mother Goddess, Archangel Gaia which made a huge impact on me and I wish to share it with you.
She said to me: “Accepting Truth requires Purity of Heart and then Freedom flows”.
At the time it seemed a simple message but later on I realized the impact it had on me, my work and my life. It means everything, all that we need in order to navigate through our Earthly lives. If we just follow these words, everything becomes clear and simple – yet not always easy.
We’re in the midst of a time on Gaia like none other. Chaos is abundant, social upheaval is happening every day. We are experiencing the destruction of “the old” to make way for “the new”and all are necessary changes for the re-birth, the big push into the New Age, the New Earth. We are all in unfamiliar territory and many are feeling confusion and fear.
Even though there is so much occurring behind the scenes globally, we’re bombarded daily by the mainstream media with their major tool – fear-mongering – regarding the corona virus. It’s called “news” and would be laughable if it weren’t so sad. The saddest part of it is that “the News” becomes the Truth for so many and they live in fear every day because it has become their truth.
There is a positive side to all of it. There always is. I envision the Human Collective riding a gigantic “wave,” a wave of water on the ocean. (Water = energy). Some are jubilant for they are “far-seers” (see-ers) and know the Truth. Others are clinging precariously, faces frozen in fear. And there are those who are just riding the wave in a matter of fact way, knowing all is well and the end is in sight and that they will land on shore safely.
The Crest of the wave is coming nearer which I see as December 21, 2020, Winter Solstice, and when we reach the Crest, we’ll be on the home stretch. We’ll be propelled into the New Age where we’ll experience even more wonderful rides on the Tide of Life. We have so much to look forward to and be grateful for. I feel that we need to be strong, stay as positive as we can, hold the Light for those who cannot and remember that the Divine is in charge.
In a channeling from Archangel Michael that I received a few years ago, one statement that he made was, “ Deep within your subconscious mind lies the truth of who you are and from whence you came.” If we all could just go deep within and remember three things –
Who we areWe’re Galactic Beings in human form. We came from the Cosmos, our galaxy or another one. The choice to incarnate here at this time was generated from the vibration of Love – Love for Gaia, Love for humanity, Love for each and every Soul in Creation.
Where we came from
Why we are here – our life would be so much easier, so much simpler.
We’re here because we volunteered, we wanted to be here. We’re here because we earned that right. Many desired to incarnate on Gaia at this time. We volunteered but we were also chosen. This lifetime is the Big one! The one we sacrificed for, the one we suffered torture and abuse for, the one we trained for!
After assuming human form in this density, we sometimes forget about Love and Truth. It’s a matter of going back to our Spiritual basics and accepting the Truth of who we are, where we came from and why we are here.
Its about remembering our Spirituality, remembering that we chose to be here, that we planned our Journey pre-incarnate for many reasons. We desired to be of service to others, to learn compassion, tolerance and how to love those that we do not understand, to accept another’s path without judgment, clear karmic residue, and to aid in the liberation of Gaia whatever way we are able.
Another passage I’d like to share is a Truth I was given by my Star family many years ago. There are times when I, in the midst of a great challenge, forget these words, but remembering them brings me back to where I should be mentally and emotionally. Here they are:
I, and only IWe planned our Life Path with great excitement, anticipation and Love. Love is the most powerful force in Creation, followed closely by Truth. Now is the time to remember this Truth and accept it with a pure heart. That is our road to Freedom! Freedom from fear, enslavement and oppression – Freedom.
Am in charge of and responsible for
My thoughts, words, deeds and emotions
No one else.
It is called
The Power of Love and Truth | Bethel Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/29/2020 11:17:00 PM