The Music of the Heart | Heavenletters
NOV 15 2020
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
When you wake up in the morning, say to Me from within yourself:
“O, my beautiful God, thank You for Being and creating the Universe and giving Your heart to us all, giving us You as our constant Companion and keeping us in Your Heart, and touring with us on a fabulous journey that winds up right where we started with You. I am speaking of us here as Your many beloveds, and not as You and I as One.”
And I say to you, My One Beloved:
I thank you for accompanying Me in this Palace of Being, for being with Me through thickness and thin. Of course, there is nowhere else for you to go or be, and, yet, at the same time, you are not hemmed in. You are free to fly anywhere, and you can only bump into yourself, seemingly your little self, ultimately your Holy Self. Ultimately, We (and I speak of thou and I as One) simply are tripping the Light Fantastic through this Wonderland called Life in the World. We dance, don’t We? We sing, don’t We? We cavort. We engage. We do-si-do. The We becomes One. Whee! How happy We are.
We are having a conversation, even as there is nothing to say. How can We begin to say Our Engagement. We are engaged in a rollicking adventure. We disperse Our One Self. We run up hill and dale. We fall down the hill with Jack and Jill. We climb the heights like Jack in the Beanstalk. Only, We don’t find a giant. Hand in hand, We find Our One Self, and We laugh, and We laugh, and We laugh some more.
Just think of it, We travel together. We swim the Seas, and We ride up and down and go around on a Merry-Go-Round. We don’t get dizzy, yet, if We did, We would get dizzy with love, one swirl of love after another, one amazing embrace as two seeming hearts meet as One. It is like We are at a symphony, and We are One with the Music of the Heart. We are not glued together, yet We are unpartable and happy to be together as One, embarking on a Journey of Love, continually greeting Our One Self. We are uproarious with this amazing Oneness and the love that dwell in Our One Heart. Thrump, thrump, goes Our One Heart. Love, love, beats Our One Heart. Listen to Our Speechlessness now. Listen not carefully. Just listen between the beats of Our One Heart. Listen to the Soundlessness of Joy that equals the Lilies of the Field and jumps ahead in a heartbeat.
There is nothing to say. We are smiling so wide and laughing so heartedly that We cannot stop laughing. We catch Our breath, and then there is another sally forth of laughter on top of laughter, so happy are We, so breathlessly happy engaging in love like no other, a symphony of joy that fills the Universe and Heaven to the brim.
Love is close at hand. It is as close as Our One Heartbeat. Our love is not around the corner. Our love is exploding in the world right now. Hail to the world. Hail to life. Hail to the Brightness of Heaven which rides lightly in Our One Heart.
All is miracle. There is nothing that is not a miracle. What is there that is not a wonder? A bird’s song. A baby bird’s cheep. A lion’s roar. Rubber hitting the road. A burst of light. The sun coming around the corner. The suspense. The suspension of action for a moment. The pause in between. The cessation of thought. The predominance of love, of love ever soaring, ever staying, ever reclining on wave after wave of itself, never once leaving the Heart of Heaven, the esplanade of Heaven, the unfurling of Heaven right in the palm of Our hand. We convene in Heaven.
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The Music of the Heart | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/15/2020 07:20:00 PM