November 7, 2020
The Moon is in the water sign of Cancer, ( in Western Sidereal Astrology) through Nov. 9, and is trine to Mars in the water sign of Pisces. It also makes a Yod, or destiny pattern; since it is inconjunct Jupiter and Pluto in the fire sign of Sagittarius and Neptune in the air sign of Aquarius. How ca we acknowledge our need for love and security in our relationships and ask for what we need, and take the risk to be vulnerable with our partner?
In addition, the Yod challenges us to adjust our attitude in our relationships towards others. Are we willing to hold an intention to offer service and kindness towards others who are struggling during these challenging times? Let’s stay connected with other kindred spirits and support each other to be a light in the world right now.
Mars has been retrograde in the water sign of Pisces since Sept. 9 and turns direct Nov. 14. Have you been able to release your resentments, conflicts, and grief in a constructive way through physical activity and honest communication? There is so much anger and conflict in the US and the world right now. Each time we can share our truth through writing or speaking with someone we love, we can help dissolve this negativity and bring greater peace and healing to our community and to Gaia.
With the Sun in the air sign of Libra, trine to Neptune in the air sign of Aquarius, it’s a great time to enjoy some music, film or other creativity that inspires us. With the shorter days and cooler temperatures, let's enjoy a walk in nature or a meal together, rather so much time on our digital technology getting stressed out.
As we face uncertainty each day after the elections, let’s stay connected to our Divine Source and maintain a heart of gratitude. We are shifting from the 3D world of fear, anger, and control, to the 5D world of love, peace, and freedom, and it’s a roller coaster ride right now. Please unplug from the Mainstream Media, and surround yourself with other light workers seeking the truth.
Ami Sattinger
The Moon in Cancer: Time to Nurture and Share our Truth | Ami Sattinger
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/08/2020 12:09:00 AM