Friday, November 13, 2020

Talk to Your Inner Child Then Listen | Alcazar Quotes

Talk to Your Inner Child Then Listen

Your inner child is unique. Your inner child is very powerful. Your inner child had the need to protect herself or himself as they were growing up. That is natural, as we have said. It is a harsh environment to come into. You are all slowly changing that…. So there is nothing wrong in the protection mechanisms that your inner child created. In fact, appreciate that the inner child created those mechanisms to protect you in your early years.

Now, you, as the adult, can talk to the inner child. Explain to them you love them, that you are here for them, that you are going to take care of them. And then invite them to tell you, what are their experiences. What are they hurting from? What are they fearing? Why are they feeling isolated? Whatever it is, invite them to tell you. Listen to them.

- Alcazar

Returning to Innocence and Beauty: Freeing the Inner Child, 2017

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