Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Making Landfall | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, November 10, 2020

Making landfall

It’s so hard to leave off following the news, even though I know it simply reinforces my dualism.

It’s like a daily fix. No wonder we hang around in Third Dimensionality so long.

Using duality or polarity, we get to feel right. We get to feel comradeship with those who agree with us. We get to feel that we’re actually doing something.

The warrior in me rises up and I’m on horseback. Oooooh, I love it!

And the election has been the very best device to raise it to the surface. Yessssss!

Now time to let the dualistic battle go. (1)

I was saying to someone that making a transition is like making landfall in a new country, which I’ve discussed at length. (2) Or entering a dark room. You don’t know what lies ahead.

The skills I’m called upon to use are different from the purification skills of the upset clearing process.

It calls for a cartload of courage and a reasonably thick skin. And the willingness to fall flat on your face, repeatedly and in public. And this in the face of knowing that this won’t be the last time to make a transition. I suspect it’ll be something I’ll be doing repeatedly.

But it also calls for an overall driving force.

And that force in me is a love of learning. I was fourteen years in university! I wandered the library reading everything theoretical that I could get my hands on – kinesics, proxemics, folkloristics, you name it.

But that was then. Now it’s not just any old learning. There’s learning that releases one from upset. There’s learning that causes bliss to rise. There’s learning that brings peace in its train. That kind of learning.

And I always return to it.

All of us reading this have descended from the higher realms to assist with this Ascension. The only evidence I have of that is a deep inner knowing that there’s more to life and an equally-deep hunger for it.

If one were to speed-view my life, you’d see this constant push to know more about … the nature of reality, personal growth, enlightenment.

Even though I’m supposed to hold back (and, as a pillar, stay till the end), I still am attracted to enlightenment studies as a moth to a lamp.

So, having made my transition, I make landfall. A new day. A new pursuit.


(1) The accountability process will go on regardless.

(2) See “Establishing a Beachhead of Understanding,” February 10, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/02/10/establishing-a-beachhead-of-understanding/.

“Establishing a Beachhead of Understanding in a New Context,” January 13, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/01/13/establishing-a-beachhead-of-understanding-in-a-new-context/

“Autopilot Set to ‘Learn,’” October 4, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/10/04/automatic-pilot-set-to-learn/