Letting Go of the Shore | Heavenletters #3159

Letting Go of the Shore | Heavenletters

NOV 4 2020

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

From whence cometh your help? I AM here. And yet help comes from you, and it comes from your thoughts.

Have the thought that you don’t need help. Whatever occurs, wanted or unwanted, you are already being helped to grow. You are being stretched, beloveds. You are reaching further.

Whatever you perceive as trouble, do not wrap yourself around it. As best you can, do not embrace it. Observe, and send it along its way.

There is nothing you have to hold to yourself. How can you cross the ocean unless you let go of the shore? Tethered to land, how can you sail?

In prayer, you may be holding on to what you don’t want. Come from strength, for you are strong. You have weathered many storms. Seen from one angle, the clouds are enormous. Seen from another, they are not so threatening. Seen from another, the clouds have disappeared. Keep not clouds in your mind.

See as angels see. If you were an angel, what would you take note of? If you were an angel, how would you feel? How would you alight on Earth, and how would you let go of Earth? Angels carry Heaven on their wings.

What are your wings but your thoughts, beloveds? And what are you without reservation but the bright light of love?

Where can misery get a foothold when you know your angelhood?

Is not a messenger of God an angel? Have I not told you that you are My messengers? What kind of messengers would I have but angels? I chose you, and I choose well.

Sometimes people believe in the uniform they wear. They believe they are a waitress or a stewardess. They believe they are a housewife wearing an apron. They believe they are a policeman or a surgeon. They believe they are the badge they wear. Whatever disguise you are in, you are an angel. So have I appointed you.

Everyone on Earth wears a physical body and identifies with it. Human body not withstanding, you are an angel I have sent to Earth to bless it. What is an angel but a blessing? Do not believe in whatever else you identify with. Open your eyes, beloveds, and look up.

What would a God create but angels? So you are angel who does not believe in your angeldom. You have believed that you are a vagrant of some sort, perhaps a nomad in a no-man’s land. You live in the Garden of Eden, and your thoughts are the snake that hisses at you and makes you think you are unworthy and, therefore, elsewhere. You believe you wear a crown of thorns when you could acknowledge the halo I placed over you. Identify with halo.

Identify with light and not with the troubles of the world. The trouble with the world is what it thinks about. Thoughts abound in the world. The world is a heap of thoughts.

Change your thoughts, beloveds. Change what you are thinking about. Take other thoughts. Think about something else.

Thoughts abound, and you can take your pick. You can think that you are tired of running, or you can be glad you can run. You can stop running. You can be buoyed by the glory of thoughts, or you can sink a ship.

You carry some responsibility. Responsibility is not meant to be a burden. Responsibility does not mean blame. It means choice. Now I ask you to choose to think like an angel. Take flight from the rut of thoughts you may have been stuck in. Now you can take flight from old thinking, and you can rise high. Have a say on how you spend your thoughts.

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Letting Go of the Shore | Heavenletters #3159 Letting Go of the Shore | Heavenletters #3159 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/05/2020 12:43:00 AM Rating: 5

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