Saturday, November 28, 2020
Is Nature Red in Tooth and Claw? | Steve Beckow
Mother Nature
By Steve Beckow, November 28, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Well, if we’re shelving old paradigms by way of this creative chaos, then I nominate the Social Darwinist model for retirement, with thanks.
It holds that life is a struggle for survival in which the strongest survive and the weakest go to the wall.
It points to nature for its authority. Nature, it says, is red in tooth and claw.
This became a sacred, unassailable, and obvious truth among many people of influence, especially imperialists and financiers of the late Nineteenth Century.
But we keep hearing descriptions of the original Earth and Nova Earth that bear no resemblance to this view of “nature.”
Sanat Kumara described the original plan and how it devolved over millions of years:
“The 3rd dimension was simply so that you angels and star beings could come to Earth and have a physical experience, whether it was for thirty seconds or three thousand years. It was simply intended in the Mother’s plan to be a planet of play for her angels.
“Now when the humans assumed form, and we are talking a progression over millions of years, the density rather than being in joy, we are just even talking about the density of physicality, became enormous.” (1)
Nowhere was predatory behavior written into the Plan. Nowhere is there a mention that we’d eat animals or enslave each other, for example.
Then certain off-planet civilizations began exploiting terrestrials. There are many versions of this story. Here’s one from Suzanne Lie’s Arcturians.
“For eons, the third- and fourth-dimensional Beings lived in co-operation, harmony and great peace. The Blue Planet, Earth, was one of the most beautiful jewels in this Local Universe.
“Many developing civilizations visited Gaia to experience Her beauty and peace. However, since these civilizations were still ‘adolescent’ in development, they were often selfish and took from Gaia without replacing what they had taken. They experimented with Gaia’s Kingdoms, especially the Animal Kingdom, to attempt to create workers for their selfish needs.
“Wars were fought and dear Gaia was left on the edge of annihilation more times than She would wish to count. Again and again, Gaia had to call on her fourth-dimensional Elemental Kingdom and Her sponsors in the higher dimensions to pull Her from the grasp of destruction.” (2)
Kryon agrees that death and destruction were visited on the Earth and “in part, Humans created it. Humanity has gone through at least four stages of civilization through different ages and have almost terminated each time” (3)
Matthew Ward tells a similar tale. What caused the devolution of Earth? Matthew was asked.
“In a word, darkness. Originally the planet, the embodiment of the soul named Gaia, was an unpopulated paradise, the Garden of Eden in its entirety. …
“The first people to arrive on the pristine light-filled planet, which then was called Shan, was a group from Lyra who hoped to find gold. They hadn’t obtained clearance from the Intergalactic Council to go there and hadn’t submitted a mining petition because they didn’t want to share a potential gold lode with other civilizations.
“Those violations of universal laws sowed the seeds of deception and greed, and that initiated the low vibrations of negativity on the planet. Then the group brought a subhuman species to do the arduous labor of mining; harsh treatment of that slave population and damage to the land by gold extraction added more negativity.” (4)
Where in these descriptions is nature red in tooth and claw? Humanity – on-planet and off – is, was, or became red in tooth and claw, and attempted to subdue and control nature.
I know from my own experience and the testimony of our channeled sources that predatory behavior, implicit in the description “red in tooth and claw,” does not exist in the higher realms. Where then can we find it?
I need to step back to answer that question.
Who or what is “nature”? Well, how about us using another term for it? How about “Mother Nature.” The Mother of the natural order, the material world. Matter, mater, Mother.
“Nature” in fact refers to the Divine Mother and her domain of matter, the domain that’s ruled by the natural law. (5) No law can extend to the Father’s transcendental domain. It’s void of anything material, though filled with love.
The Divine Mother – her Kali portrayals to the contrary – is not a source of predatory behavior. I just quoted a passage from her the other day where she say she does not build her Nova Earth platform on abusive or controlling behavior.
Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies takes place. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (6)
“Integration of the various galaxies” refers to the ripple effect that our on-planet, in-form Ascension is planned to have throughout the universe. We’re opening up a brand new space.
So “control and abuse of power” have no place in her Plan or in her world. It’s humans who introduced that behavior.
It won’t exist in Fifth Dimensionality. In the higher worlds, the lion lies down with the lamb. There are no killing machines. No one’s eating anyone else’s lunch. Or each other.
So, no, nature is not red in tooth and claw. Humans have subverted the natural order in many places. Their behavior has been red in tooth and claw. Look no further than World Wars One and Two.
Fact checker: No pass. Retire one obsolete paradigm.
(1) “Sanat Kumara explains the 1st Universal Law, the Law of Purpose,” August 16, 2013, at
(2) “The Arcturians – Returning to New Earth,” channelled by Suzanne Lie, August 28, 2015.
(3) Kryon in Mike Quinsey’s Message from My Higher Self, May 19, 2019, at
(4) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 13, 2018, at
(5) The Mother is the Voice crying in the Father’s Wilderness. The Father is lawless, a void, a wilderness.
When I asked her why knowledge of her was more precious than rubies, she replied:
“Knowledge of me is more precious than anything because I am your connection [to the Father]. When you are with me in the fullness of union, as full as you can know it while in form, then you are connected, and in, not only my creation, but my wisdom and my love. And in that is all. It is all you need to know or can know or will know.” (“Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012,” at
She alone is all that can be known; he remains unknown and unknowable.
(6) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at Reading, April 30, 2019.