Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Drop Victimhood and Come into your Power | Alcazar Quotes
Drop Victimhood and Come into Your Power
So, how do you change the experience of being a victim? The first thing is to acknowledge, “I am creating this out of my past limitations and these limitations are continuously being re-energized as I drop into victim.” Again and again, each time that you play that victim role or you feel as if you are being victimized, you are putting energy once more into that old habit pattern. So how do you change it? It is possible with your intention to slowly, slowly change it. Situation by situation, make the efforts to drop the victimhood and to try and come back into balance, into your own power. That is possible. With the Stargate Inner Child work you can create a Quantum Energetic Field. You can do this for yourself.
- Alcazar
Returning to Innocence and Beauty: Freeing the Inner Child, 2017
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