Calm and Sensible... Me? | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, November 25, 2020

(Golden Age of Gaia)

As Steve Rother and the Group noted the other day, the Internet has become a war zone:

“You may find that the internet is somewhat of a difficult place to be right now. It appears that war, as humans have known it, has moved online.

“Hacking is being used by countries to attack other countries, infrastructures, companies and high-level individuals.

“As this becomes big business, the majority of people are affected by the outcome but do not see the origins. Of course, this can only be accomplished if people are sufficiently divided.” (1)

Steve looked at it from a behavioral perspective. I looked at it from a linguistic perspective, as a battle of memes in a war of words. (2)

Political discourse seems to have descended into sloganeering and mud-slinging from all sides. Many people are only seeing the divisions and going into extreme liking and disliking at the drop of a name. Some time ago Archangel Michael asked in a reading:

Archangel Michael: Humans (and now I speak to the collective again) have lost the sense of prudence, of balance. It is extremes, extremes in behaviour, extremes in emotionality, extremes in belief systems….

Bring them back to the center. (3)

Instead I also swung out on the extremes. Well, now I can vouch for things not working there.

Creative chaos, yes. Using it to bring about substantive, beneficial social change. Yes. Extreme behavior. No. That’s the line. That’s where the trouble begins.

All of that (divide and conquer) is what the cabal wants and is waiting for. We’re playing according to their playbook by fighting with each other.

What’s missing right now is calmness and sensibleness, both of which exist not in the extremes but in the center.


It’s funny because both calmness and sensibility are always available. Not like I’m calm and sensible most of the time; I’m not. But I recognize their absence. And I yearn for them.

I take a breath and feel into myself. It isn’t that I can’t contact them; it’s that I’m afraid to allow them to surface and for me to be calm and sensible when many around me seem engaged and frantic.

There’s a tension between a part of me that wants to go first and a part that doesn’t.

I’m willing to have this be an experiment – to try out being calm and sensible. This isolation allows me to run experiments and make transitions based on the results.

We’re seeing the cabal whip up hysteria over Covid-19; truthers gear up to refuse vaccinations; elections stolen; city centers trashed by antifa/mobs; on and on the control and violence goes

In the face of this onslaught, I feel the inner urge to take the big plunge, bigger than I’ve taken so far, and leave it all behind. I haven’t read a mainstream newspaper or watched TV since SaLuSa recommended it in 2008. But I still watch Youtube videos and read major news stories.

I need to take my cue now from channeled messages and I grant that some may not be credible. (4)

By Michael’s request, certainly. But also because I have no way any more of assessing the credibility of reports from all sources on the ground, their argumentation having become hopelessly aimed at the person (ad hominem).

Separating truth from fiction is getting too difficult. And it isn’t the case that the Company of Heaven is saying, for heaven’s sake, read every newspaper. On the contrary, they’re saying take a break.

The fear of leaving the herd arises, followed almost immediately by a laugh. When have I ever remained with the herd? I’m always straying away. “Wake up, William. William, wake up.” (5)

No, this emphasis on isolation, which the Mother has made use of as the Pause, is a perfect occasion for me to make real, substantive changes in my life. And that requires time out from the extreme behavior we seem to be in at the moment and are told we can expect to see for a while yet.

Peggy Black and the Team reassured us:

“We are inviting you to ride these waves with as much conscious awareness as possible. You were made for these times. You truly have the immense power to thrive during these times. Remember that you are a divine being in a physical body. It is your divine awareness that will guide and support you as you experience the seeming collapse of what you know and understand to be true about reality.” (6)

Allow the illusory and obsolete to fall away.

I’d be a fool not to take this opportunity.

Hmmmm…. Calm and sensible…. Me?


(1) “The Group: Intersection Of Time,” Era of Light, Nov. 20, 2020, at

(2) “Battle of Memes in a War of Words,” October 11, 2019, at

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2019.

Remember that the door to the spiritual heart (the hridayam), whose opening brings enlightenment, is in the center of the body, two digits right of the breast bone. So far as the One can be individuated, that individual Self (Christ, Atman, Buddha nature, Soul) manifests in the deepest part of the heart, the so-called seat of the Soul. A focus on the center repays handsomely.

(4) I subject them to the same credibility tests I’d subject testimony to in my refugee-adjudication hearing room. See Decision-Making at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada 1/2 at and Decision-Making at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada 2/2 at

(5) Murron in dream state to sleeping William Wallace in Braveheart.

(6) “Peggy Black and the ‘Team’ ~ Shift All That is Known,” November 19, 2020, at
Calm and Sensible... Me? | Steve Beckow Calm and Sensible... Me? | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/25/2020 09:12:00 PM Rating: 5

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