Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Ask your Inner Child | Alcazar Quotes
Ask Your Inner Child
Whatever it is you are doing in your life, invite the inner child to participate. A beautiful way to allow your inner child to support you is if you feel stressed or drained in your day to day life, take a moment. Stop what you are doing. Connect to the inner child and ask the inner child, “What would you like to do in this moment?” And you will find the inner child says, "Let's go outside. Let's go get the freshness." Or perhaps the inner child says, "I want to dance and shake off the stress." Or perhaps it is, "I am very, very tired. I would like to be still for a few moments." The inner child can begin to assist you in tuning in to your natural rhythms. And so experiment with that.
- Alcazar
Returning to Innocence and Beauty: Freeing the Inner Child, 2017