Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A Practice of Deep Gratitude | Alcazar Quotes

A Practice of Deep Gratitude

So, what's the other element of deep gratitude? It's a high vibration. And Alcazar has said that our vibration creates the energies that emanate from us moment by moment. Our creative energies, our thoughts and our feelings, our words and our actions are all vibrations. Those vibrations move out into the Quantum Field and the Quantum Field reflects back to us how we are vibrating. So we create a reflection from the Quantum Field and the Quantum Field is showing us through experiences of things that happen in our lives and reflect back to us how we are being.

So, as we start to radiate deep gratitude, things start coming into our lives to feel gratitude for. And also, Alcazar has said, when you can reach that place of deep gratitude, deep gratitude allows your Superconsciousness to add an influence into what you're creating. So, you start to create beautiful experiences in your life.

- Prageet

Going Quantum, Session 2, June 2020

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