Wednesday, October 21, 2020

You have Come from the Stars, But Not in Spaceships | Alcazar Quotes

You Have Come from the Stars - But Not in Spaceships

The Pleiadians knew of this earth from a very long time ago. For they knew that it would be their contribution to the universe to bring, first of all, consciousness, and then ultimately that which you call enlightenment, to this your earth and to the humans who have developed here. You have heard us say you came from the stars, but you did not come in spaceships. No, just as you move from lifetime to lifetime, your consciousness leaving the body and coming into another body, this is how you came to earth. You departed the planet or the system that you were on, and you were reborn here on this earth. The Pleiadians made it possible for you to bring your high consciousness from civilizations around the stars. They made it possible by mating with the human population. This prepared the human body to receive consciousness.

- Alcazar, Maui, 2018

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