The Quantum Field Responds to Your Vibration
The reason having a higher vibration is so important right now is that your vibration is what existence or the Quantum Field responds to moment by moment. Your vibration actually creates your experience in the world. So, how you respond to what's happening around you is very much influenced, by the way that your vibration responds. So we are in a critical situation here globally with humanity. As I've said, there's so much fear and panic. How do we respond to what's happening around us? This is why it's so important to have these daily connections, so that we can keep our vibration up.
Another aspect of having a higher vibration is that it's easier for you to start to receive the messages which are coming from your Superconsciousness, your intuition. So the more you're in a higher vibration, the easier it is to receive those messages from your Superconsciousness, either as a thought or as a feeling. Your Superconsciousness is aware of the global picture. Your Superconsciousness is aware of everything that's going on with everyone in your life.
It's really hard to grasp the vast connectedness that's happening in the Quantum Field, which is where your Superconsciousness exists. So in your daily moment by moment existence, your intuition can guide you on how to deal with situations that are coming up, and also stimulate your creativity. Because one of the things that Alcazar has said many times is that it's time to live abundance on all levels. That can happen even in this global situation where so much is shut down. It's possible for each one of us to thrive in these challenging times.
– Prageet, Oasis of Oneness, Day 1
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The Quantum Field Responds to your Vibration | Alcazar Quotes
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/17/2020 08:56:00 AM