The Country of Love | Heavenletters
OCT 13 2020
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Let’s get chummy today. Let’s have a get-together. Let’s have a meeting of hearts. Let all hearts meet in Mine. That’s how it is anyway, so let’s announce Our meeting. Let’s set a time for it. Write it in your calendar. “Meet with God.” Pencil it in. Meet with Me a minute this afternoon, or, if you can spare more time, two minutes. Even a passing thought will serve. How I love to be thought of.
You know this is not from ego on My part. I like to be thought of in a light way because a thought of Me lightens and brightens your day. I am not exactly Santa Claus, but you get the idea. I am a Benefactor. Certainly don’t think of Me as some kind of villain in disguise. I am a giver of gifts. I do not take away.
You may have thought of Me as the Taker-away of your loved ones and your joys. I gave them to you. I do not take them away. They have their time, that’s all. They step over thresholds, that’s all. Your loved ones and you take a walk in the park, and, when the walk is over, then you go your own way. You and your loved ones met and walked and dined and danced in a passage of what is called time.
When the leaves of autumn fall, you do not shake your fist at Me. You may regret the passing of summer, yet you know that all the seasons are in place. There is no end to them. They come again and again. Before you came to Earth on this jaunt, the seasons were. And when you return to the Country of Love, the seasons continue without your being there, without your being there in the physical form you are accustomed to.
There is good in everything. There is good in the apple that falls from the tree and is eaten. There is good in the apple that falls from the tree and rots on the ground.
There is good in what you call birth, and there is good in what you call death, except sometimes you capitalize the word Death. You may consider birth an angel, and Death the reaper. And, yet, beloveds, death is also a gift I give to you, and one you will meet. Death of the body is not a bad thing. It is not an affront. It is a gift.
It is not like I evict you from Earth when I bring you to Heaven.
When the whistle blows, and the game is over, that is not such a bad thing. There will be another game anon and anon. And so goes the cycle of life on Earth.
A child grows into a youth and then adulthood and then age. So are the seasons. They are not to be regretted. One season follows the other, and each season serves. Sun and rain both serve. Even droughts and floods serve. That you do not like them doesn’t mean that they don’t serve.
Life on Earth is what it is. It is not something else. Yet what life is depends upon your perception of it. Perceptions change. Everything in the world changes. That is the world for you. It is only the world, beloveds. It is nothing more. Well, I take that back. The world is much more than it seems, however. It is only part of the story. It is only one dimension of a tale that is told.
So let Us meet today. Let Us enjoy the sun that shines and the rain that falls. Let Us enjoy Our meeting. Let Us meet in camaraderie and walk down the street arm in arm, heart in heart.
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The Country of Love | Heavenletters #3254
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/13/2020 10:40:00 AM