October 14, 2020
The ultimate control matrix is coming to an end. This will be the hardest Matrix control system to bring down because this is the one that you have been the most programmed by. THE GOD CONTROL MATRIX.
There has been much talk for years now about a GREAT RESET. This started depending on your level of "perception" with the One World Order reaching a new more malevolent level of control over humanity.
That RESET then got improved on by Benevolent forces to change it to a FINANCIAL RESET and an AWAKENING RESET ....for humanity, to where the whole "MATRIX OF REALITY IS RESET".
To RESET the Whole Matrix of this reality, the main control system is the "GOD MATRIX"....has to be reset. Think about this for a moment without going instantly into your trigger reactions where you think you know something about something when you most likely know nothing about nothing.?
So to talk about this subject, we have to start with a "SHOCK"......TO TRIGGER YOUR EMOTIONS!......BECAUSE YOU ARE IN BAD SHAPE....and don't know it. This whole Controlled Matrix is in bad shape. Because THE GOD MATRIX MADE IT SO!
And you fell for it ...BELIEVING IT ALL!....hook line and sinker. You piously quoted your Bible, your Koran, your GITA, or your Pleiadian BS like you knew something about something!
But what do you know? DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE IN A MATRIX AND THAT YOU ARE CONNED?......If YOU say NO!....You know nothing about nothing and especially GOD!
What do you know about GOD?.....except what the program....IN THE MATRIX" .... told you to know. So you then went to Church on Sunday your whole life, you confessed your sins, you babbled on "Morality"....of some vindictive GOD that was judging your Sin full Ways and you believed it!.... all like a drooling babe in the woods.
WHAT IF?........What if Religion and everything about GOD that was told to you was pure CONTROL propaganda BS?......WHICH IT WAS AND STILL IS!........but you don't believe it! ..... because you have NOT woken up yet?
When will you wake up? The ONE World Order is finished !....as are ...."ALL GOD CONTROL BELIEF SYSTEMS"......They are finished because none of them were TRUE.!!......CAN YOU GO THERE?
WHY WAS IT ALL A LIE?.......It was a lie because YOU do not NEED! an intermediary to speak for you, YOU don't need a LORD, YOU don't need to PRAY, You don't need to bow, YOU don't need to channel Aliens, YOU don't need to be ......" LACKING"....You don't need to pay and give Alms.
BECAUSE YOU ARE GOD!.....YOU ARE MADE OF THE RIGHT STUFF!....but the MATRIX...told you something else.
But you say NO!.......that can't be. I am Lacking!......I am a Victim!...I want to be a sinner!. I want the government to think for me!...... I want my MAMA to wiped my little Butt for me. .....I can't do it!.......Whaaa......Whaaa...That is the human" GOD CONTROL MATRIX"....the control collective of this Matrix.
There is only ONE WAY OUT!......."TO COLLAPSE THE GOD MATRIX"......because ALL OF IT WAS A LIE.!....ALL OF IT!...not just some of it.
Can you take that medicine?.....YOU WILL HAVE TO......because it is happening right now. The whole reality is going down and in that process, the "GOD CONTROL"....will go down and be replaced by the TRUTH.
YOU ARE SAVING YOURSELF! .......YOU ARE RESETTING YOURSELF......BECAUSE YOU ARE IT!.....You are THE ONE....YOU ARE THE LIVING TRUTH ....and nothing less than that. Can you step into that POWER?
I recently watched a movie called " Interstellar"......I liked the ending of the movie because you had to wait until the end to find the REAL ANSWER TO LIFE!
At the end of the movie, after the astronauts left earth to go deep into space to find a NEW WORLD.....ONLY AT THE END DO YOU GET THE ANSWER.
THAT YOU ARE IT!.......In the end after much searching and trauma, man RESETS HIMSELF AND BECOMES INTERSTELLAR......as a species. But the most amazing thing was that MAN was guided by HIMSELF, TO SAVE HIMSELF!..... to come back through time from a higher developed perspective with KNOWING ALL VIEWPOINTS.... KNOWING LOVE AND KNOWING HIMSELF.
Mankind from the future returned to guide itself to the answers. Man returned through time to go back to liberate himself. We are at such a point now. A point where we have to wake up from the control Matrix and the false GOD belief systems.
This does not mean that there is no Creator.....but that YOU are the very Creator that you are seeking. YOU ARE NOT LACKING. YOU ARE ETERNAL.
SPIRIT......WE ARE THAT. But a movie can't now cover all points of LIFE in a few hours. But it shared a great point. That we have to ..." SAVE OURSELVES"!....and say NO to any control system that makes us small. You start by saying NO to the "GOD CONTROL MATRIX"....... of ideas that keep us small and afraid and most of all......non-creating. "MASKING OUR TRUE POWER"......from ourselves.
No God from the outside is going to do it. Prayer is not going to do it. We are going to give up believing lies that we are small and nothing but sinners because a vengeful god says so?...... WE ARE NOT those things!....WE ARE CREATORS WHO LACK NOTHING!.......not even the power to give up the control GOD MATRIX.....which we will have to SEE THROUGH AND DROP.
The Collapse of the God Matrix | Victor
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/14/2020 10:28:00 PM