The Amazing Brightness | Heavenletters
OCT 16 2020
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
You set a trap for yourself called certainty. You would like to be certain about everything, and you think you are supposed to be. To have a sense of certainty in the world, you have to hold life in place, regulate it, hold it back, turn it this way and that as if life were a prancing horse in your grip. Then when the reins get away from you, you are dismayed, disappointed, dejected, or angry, frustrated, listless.
When I tell you that you must not hold on to certainty in the world view, that does not mean I encourage you to be uncertain. Certainly, you cannot know what the next turn in the road is. You cannot and will not know a lot of things ahead of time. You can be certain of that.
You can also be certain that there is a God in Heaven and on Earth Who has a timer set for you. I, Who know better than to immolate the illusion of time, I, nevertheless, set a timer to signal steps in your evolution. You are all set.
You are all taken care of. Your life is not so haphazard as you may have thought. All is well. All is all right. You are all right.
Have a little faith in Me, and you will have more faith in the direction you are going in. Your step will be surer. You won’t give up on life when you accept that I am, and that I root for you. I do cheer you on. And I wait for you at every guidepost and every step in between. I am not only present in the high points of your life. Do you think I am sometimes absent? Have some certainty that I am present.
The ways of the world are shaky. You feel shaken. But the tremors need not affect the innerness of you. The inmost depths of you are immune to surface events. Whatever transpires, or does not, you are inviolate.
Faith is not assumption. Faith is knowing. It is not guessing. It is not hoping. It is not wishing. It is knowing.
The eyes of the world tell you to look for proof. Look not for proof of Me. Look for Me. I am here. Look not for evidence of what is eternal. Evidence is not eternity. All the evidence in the world is flighty. But I am not. Nor are you.
Look for a bigger venue than you have placed yourself in. You are not such a microcosm as you have thought. Actually, you probably, without thinking about it, gave credence to the thought that you were insignificant on the surface of the world. The surface of the world is less significant than you, and yet you have been submissive to it.
You, who are My constant thought, matter. I am secure in the knowledge of your well-being, and that is one big difference between Us. You are uncertain about your well-being. Oh, if only you would begin to see as I do — even from the corner of your eye — how dazzled you would be by the auspiciousness of you. Dare to be blinded even for a moment by the bright light that you are. Dare to.
You have been blinded by shadows. Now come into the light and be dazed and amazed by the brightness. Your eyes will soon become accustomed to it, and then how brilliantly your light will blaze across the universe. Believe in yourself a little. Believe in yourself more. Believe in yourself enough so that you can loose your hold on the reins of life and step up to a higher realm that personifies the greatness of love unadorned, love pure, pure being, pure light, pureness of heart and mind, all blazing across the horizon of life. Welcome.
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The Amazing Brightness | Heavenletters #791
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/16/2020 09:56:00 PM