Something Really Wonderful Today | Heavenletters
OCT 23 2020
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
There is something I would like you to do for Me today. Will you do it?
I am not going to tell you ahead of time what it is. I am going to leave it to you to know at the moment what it is, and then to do it. Is it understood that I am leaving it to you to discover and to you to fulfill? In other words, do you understand that I rely on you to take care of your share of the world today?
When I say there is something for you to do for Me today, I do not limit it to one thing, nor do I hold you to more than one thing. That is up to you. It is always up to you. It is up to you what you see. Then, based on what you see, it is up to you to do.
There is something really wonderful that will appear for you to do today. Will you keep an eye out for it? It may be something you have never done before, or it may be something you have done often. It may be unexpected, or it may not. What you know for certain is that it is yours to fulfill.
It could be a kindness. It could be an understanding that you give. It could be a physical act. It could be a word or two. This is practice for you for the bigger services to come. When the great opportunities appear, you will be ready for them. You will step up to the plate, and nothing will faze you. And My Will be done. And the world will become One.
You have been in training all your life for you know not what. And now you are going to find out what. Whatever your career may be, this is beyond that sort of thing. There will be no high or low, yet the mighty will bow low and the meek sit high on a throne.
Look, beloveds, the world is no longer the same, nor can you stay the same. From the desert, you are moving to a fertile field of life. It is not that you have moved somewhere. It is that you have made the world a greener place right where you live. You have prepared the world before you, and it is good.
This is a kind of surrender I ask of you today. It is a surrender to doing what you would like to do. Whatever this special service of yours today, you will feel good and happy doing it. It will definitely not be a sacrifice. It will be more like an honoring of you and an honoring of Me. This will not be a saintly act I ask of you unless you call saintly happy. There is something you are going to love to do today, and you will do it in service to Me.
Heretofore, you may have lived for yourself alone. How anemic that is! You may have thought always of what you want. Today you will think about more than yourself and your immediate world, and you will be opening the gates of Heaven. You, even in a little act, will be ushering in Paradise. What care you how little your act is? What you will care about is that you are helping to raise Earth to Heaven. If you carry a small part of My hem, you will be happy. Whatever you will do, you will be happy. You will be happy because you will be thinking about greater than your own dominion. You will love yourself in service to Me, and that is how you will find yourself.
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Something Really Wonderful Today | Heavenletters #2783
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/23/2020 12:22:00 PM