Channel Lynne Rondell
Hi it's Lynne coming back to this beautiful Monday with another channeling. This channeling is going to be from the galactic federation of light and they're titling this one « owning your power again »
So here we go.
We are the galactic federation of light. We are so pleased to be coming through this channeler with yet again another message for all of you out there. We feel this is a timely message and we feel this is an important message to bring through, we want to talk to you about your power, what your power is, what your power looks like, how your power feels and where your power is.
We're going to start out by telling you your power is that sort of driving force behind each and every one of you, your power is something that each and every one of you are born with. It is sort of what drives you forward, it's what sort of propels you to seek out the truth, it is what you live with, because when you really own your power, you really can sort of sit at the seat of your soul.
It is something that is needed on every journey as you reincarnate on this planet but it is something that is really needed on this journey as you have reincarnated to take your power back, to own your power and to go to the fifth dimension.
You have lost your power along the way, you have lost your power actually eons and eons ago. You have been manipulated as we keep talking about by this third dimensional matrix and grid system which is broken apart. Now you're going to just see all the different parts, we're going to say, that come flying at you but you have lost your power 19 lifetimes ago, we're going to say, roughly about that your power was really stripped from you this is when the dark reign really came into force, to try to really push all of you down.
It's been hundreds and hundreds of years but there was always a power struggle on this planet, there was always we're going to say not on the higher dimensions that Mother Earth was on but on the lower dimensions that Mother Earth when she was pushed down. There's been a power struggle for reign, there's been a power struggle between the light and the dark, there's been a power struggle between good and evil, there's been a power struggle between what is real and what isn't real and there's been a power struggle honestly with those that came from the skies that you thought were gods,that really were not gods and were going back thousands and thousands and thousands of years now.
They were not gods they just had higher evol technology, they came in craft. There were some that came that were very good they stayed out of your way they may have given you a tool or two and then they would lift it back on and taught you things. Some that were good tried to come down and teach of love, try to give you sort of holistic homeopathic things to do, ways to interact with nature, ways to sort of be, to live peacefully on Mother Earth and let sort of the energy flow on Mother Earth. Most of them that came down for dark reign, most of them came down to take your power.
The Anunnaki came down a long time ago. They are not a good group of negative ET's, if you think they are. I know there's a lot out there about them, they are not in the light, they came down to use humanity they came down to actually take gold as they needed it to put it around their planet to shield from an asteroid or meteor that was coming their way. They are just on one planet outside of Pluto. They are out far enough in your solar system that you cannot see them. The telescopes, we don't know, may be able to see them and they are in a backward rotation coming towards your planet as well.
We're going to see how that ends up playing out. They may end up actually entering your planetary field in your solar system, in the not too distant future but we will speak about that in another channeling where we'll talk about the life on all your planets and everything that's really going on.
Now we're going to tell you about your power we're going to tell you that your power was taken a very long time ago and we need you to own it and we need you to take it back. As you see what's bling played out on your planet, as we see all of you are very sick from wearing those masks, not sick from the maskbut sick of wearing the masks. All of you are tired. Those of you who have not been able to work, or having no money, or losing your house, or losing your job, or losing so much all of you are sick and a lot of you now don't believe. You're sick and tired and you don't believe your governments anymore. A lot of you don't believe what they're saying, you don't believe this coronavirus is still around and you don't believe the numbers have ever been as elevated as they are.
A lot of you are getting very fed up with the routine, a lot of you're getting very fed up with these lockdowns that come through. It's disrupted everyone on the planet. It's put many of you, huge numbers homeless, your suicide rates, everything is skyrocketing, depression, everything. A lot of you are just fed up, a lot of you are saying no more, a lot of you want things to be open and to have your life no matter what. This virus is deadly to those that are older, this virus is a very bad flu but this virus is not really designed to harm those that are younger and those that can really sort of have healthy immune systems are going to kick it out.
A lot of you have realized, we think, that your power has been taken, that you're being controlled and manipulated and that you're being used. There's another a dark agenda playing out and a lot of you are starting to feel that what you're hearing isn't right, we need you to own your power, we need you to take your power back. We need you to say « no you can't have my power it's mine », put it back into the seat of your soul and say no more. We need you to really look for sort of the hidden truths that are out there because your media is not telling you anything that's the truth, about anything.
You really have to try to decipher what is right what is wrong and you're watching this polarity play out on your planet. This is needed to push all of you forward, this is needed to get you to the fifth dimension so you keep seeing in front of you. What you don't want, over and over and over again as we told you there's a lot of dark that are being taken off this planet plane now, that have done a lot of this very dark agenda but you need to pull your power back in, you need to know you are sovereign beings, you are beautiful divine beings of light, you have had your power, it's been stripped from you and you have your freedom and free will.
These are basic laws, no one can tamper with your physical body, no one can tamper with your energy body or at the soul level. It isn't done, it cannot be done. You own your body as your body, no one can take that from you. So there's a lot that have been doing this to a lot of you, on a lot of different levels, for a very long time. It needs to stop. Your government needs to show the truth and stop putting out these lies over and over and over again. Take your power back, look and see what you can feel is real, know that what's going on on your planet is not what you should be allowed to be going through, know that what's going on on your planet is a very dark agenda rolling out and we know that a lot of you are very stuck in a situation that you cannot get out of.
Just take your power back, own your power back. You're going to need it on your way to the fifth dimension. For this power is going to come in hand you're going to have to speak up against those dark, those dark groups, those dark beings, you're going to have to speak up against it and say « no more », you're going to have to really rally and say no we don't want this.
There's a lot of timelines that are setting up for you to sort of fast track on your ascension that's actually going to help with, all these shifts in your consciousness as well. The next shift is sort of one of truth that is coming at you. You need to know the truth, you need to own your power, you need to know that what's being played on your planet is not something that any of you should have to ever go through. They can't lock you in your homes, they can't force you to wear masks, they can't take your businesses out from underneath you. This is a very dark agenda and it's a very dark agenda on a lot of levels.
So pull your power back in, know that you can speak at some point when it is necessary, know that this is not how you're going to be treated because if they get away with this, this dark agenda is going to keep rolling it out harsher and harsher and harsher and harsher.
Pull it back in and take and pull your power back in right now. We know that you're stuck in your situation, you can't fight the government, you can't fight against those dark, sort of corporations and those dark beings with all the money but you can shift the timeline, you can push to a timeline where there's no mandated vaccine, you can pull your power back in and say we don't want this and shift your thoughts to better, shift your thoughts to going back to work, shift your thoughts to moving ahead, shift your thoughts to you know this vaccine mandate not being able to get ready, shift how you think up here and you'll pull the whole collective with you.
A lot of you that this channeler is channeling messages for our light workers and our starseeds, just think up, want better. You know keep pulling that collective forward with your wants of better and higher. You don't want what they're selling down here. So own your power and owning your power you're going to own your truth, take it back, find out what the truth is. The truth that you think is the truth out there is going to be what is your truth.
Everyone can have different truths because someone may think something is much different out there in the external world. So your truth is your truth, so what you believe is your truth but let's shift up to another paradigm, let's pull the truth out, this is the next huge shift is coming, let's go ahead and shift everyone to knowing the truth, shift everyone to knowing your freedom. When you shift the collective up by just your wants in your mind that you're thinking, you're gonna navigate higher. I don't want what i have you know, i'm thinking of better for everyone. Shift your thoughts and your wants timelines will be created they already there many more of you are jumping on as we see and you're going to take your power back for.
If this dark agenda does not get away with it, they have no power, they have no control over you, they cannot manipulate you anymore, they cannot force you into things you don't want to do, they have nothing all. They have left on this planet honestly is fear to bring forward to control dominance with money and manipulation that's it that's it that's all they have going for them at all
Each time you strip them of something of it you take your power back, own your power, don't let them get away with this, do what you can compassionately and passively and with your truth, for when you own your truth and you speak your truth you're setting that high timeline out, just by doing that.
You don't have to go rally you know necessarily in the streets unless it is needed but you don't have to go up against the government and their forces but you just have to know that you want better. You just have to push your thoughts to the wants that are different. You have to want to get out of your houses, take those masks off. Don't take that mask mandate and they don't have much control left we're gonna tell you. They really don't have much control left. This is the last, this is the last, they all know you're shifting up to the fifth dimension. Hold tight to your power, pull it back, own it, own your truth.
Shift the collective, shift your wants, navigate for better, navigate for peace, navigate for fairness and justice for all because it is not fairness, we see on your planet right now. It is anything but fairness. Navigate for fairness, navigate for unity of one big huge collective of light. You can do this. We've got your back, we're going to send these messages out to sort of let you know what is needed.
For this one, take your power back and own it. Start living in your truth, shift your consciousness and that you'll shift the consciousness of the collective, just navigate your wants higher, focus on what you do want. Let go of what you don't want here and and you'll actually shift up. So something to think about.
We have nine out of the 12 councils coming through this channeler. We're going to start to give you tools and ways to navigate through this darkness and tools and ways to shift yourself up very quickly and tools and ways to clear and shift all the consciousness that are needed. These are blocks, look at these as big blocks third dimensional blocks and that have been put in, one is fear, one is honesty and truth, another one is you know control, another one is separation.
Look at these blocks that are breaking up this matrix is broken up, look at these blocks that are going to come at you as different sequences of what needs to be dispelled, what needs to be changed, what needs to be navigated out of, to something better. All you're doing is navigating out of what you don't want and when you navigate out of what you don't want, you shift yourself and the collective up to a higher timeline and you shift it all.so this doesn't have any weight anymore.
We think enough of you are really seeing what's going on on the planet and really becoming angry and frustrated and depressed at. How bad it really is?Take your power back, own your power, live in your truth, whatever that is it's your truth, speak it, live in it, own it, be it and ask for better, navigate through this darkness to better and you can have it.
We're the galactic federation of light, we look forward to bring through many more messages through this channel. We are your keepers, we are your protectors, we are going to give you tools to really shift up quickly. so this ascension goes even faster than scheduled.
This is a tool. We're sending you such love, we're sending you such light and blessings.
Thank you galactic federation of light, that is a good tool. I think we all do see what's being played out on this planet and none of us like it, me along with all the rest of you. So let's change, let's shift those timelines to a higher consciousness, shift the timelines to those of unity, those of peace, those of truth, those of those are getting out of this dark agenda.
I look forward to sending many more messages through to all of you sending you such love, such light and blessings
Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_Puv5G7-RY
Owning your Power again, It's Time | The Galactic Federation of Light via Lynne Rondell
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/15/2020 05:07:00 AM