Friday, October 2, 2020

From Hostility to Harmony | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, October 2, 2020

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I won’t be commenting on the presidential debate. (1)

I know that, at my deepest level, I am pure and innocent. (2)

But between here and there is a layer of barely-suppressed hostility – suspicion, guardedness, aggressiveness.

Part of that, I believe, is past-life bleedthrough. I was a military commander a long time ago. I see the jarring events of my early life as being geared to reawaken those martial memories.

For me, until very recently, to think of harmony was difficult. I’d never known harmony in my parents’ relationship – not since I was seven and they began to quarrel. “Keep the peace” meant nothing to me.

My Dad’s coaching was that you can’t trust anyone, never let your guard down, you never know where the next punch will come from, etc. But that played right into and ignited my “pre-existing condition,” I think.

But lately – and I credit it to the influence of a friend and the rising energies – I’ve begun to feel love and compassion for those around me. And it’s raised the question of: When do I switch my vote from hostility to harmony?

I used to like the way I felt when I felt hostile. But I no longer do.

And I know for a certainty that hostility creates a vast amount of residue/karma. All I have to do is turn around and look behind me at the wreckage of my life. As Kathleen would say, how’s it working for ya? Miserably.

Hostility is a cure that’s worse than the disease of fear it treats. (3)

Harmony feels better and it leaves no residue. Harmony, balance, and integrity. I’m gambling that acting in concert with those three will bring peace of mind in their train, even in the midst of busy-ness and chaos.

I’ve changed my vote. Now let’s see what falls out of it.


(1) Out of respect for Archangel Michael’s wishes:

“Again, sweet one, you’re becoming engaged in political intrigue which is distracting you from the true process of Ascension. …

“It is important during this shift, during this time of new beginnings – yes, with the sweeping away of the old – that you focus on the future, which is exactly what you are [ordinarily] doing, and what I have guided you to do. …

“Remember that our undertaking is the tracking of spiritual evolution to a higher realm of consciousness and that is the focus that we must always return to.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 13, 2020.)

(2) I experienced my essential innocence and purity in an experience of the Self at Xenia Retreat Centre, Sept. 18, 2018. See “Original Innocence,” Sept. 21, 2018, at and “Archangel Michael Explains What Happened at Xenia,” Sept. 22, 2018, at

(3) As if by synchronicity, Daniel Scranton’s Arcturians mirror back:

“We send that compassionate, healing, loving, energy to you, and then you all just have to stop and feel for what we have sent.

“And you cannot be simultaneously feeling for what we have sent and resisting what you deem to be the cause of your pain, discomfort, or even suffering.

“You must let go in order to let in that which you have summoned.

“You have to let go of the fight, and we know that statement ruffles feathers.

“We know that many of you identify yourselves as the fighters of the good fight, the ones who are going to take down the such-and-such cabal group.

“But please trust us when we say you are less powerful when you are fighting, resisting, and pushing against, and you are more powerful when you accept, let go, and open up to the energies that you have just summoned.” (“The 9D Arcturian Council: When We Open Portals for You,” September 28, 2020, at

And here is Jesus:

“For many of you it appears that the spiritual evolution that you are each experiencing has slowed down. It has not, it only appears to have done so because the mainstream media has been further distracting you by encouraging you to focus your attention frequently and regularly on world events, when you need to be focusing within yourselves as you set and reset the intent to be only loving whatever arises.” (Jesus through John Smallman, Sept. 26, 2020.)