Credit: Anton Otto Fischer
By Steve Beckow, October 16, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Heading into the last weeks before the election, I expect the deep state to start going crazy, reporting all manner of bad things they did as having been done by the other guys.
In international affairs, it’s called the mirror effect – blame your enemy for what they blame you for. Tit for tat. In interpersonal relations, I call it ping-pong.
Ah well. Storm at sea. Batten the hatches.
In the face of the challenges ahead, I’m busy inventing and reinventing myself.
Inventing in areas I know nothing about. Re-inventing in areas where my existing ways of doing things won’t pass muster later on. I hope this is what Adamu calls the “self-responsible,” rather than the “other-responsible” path. (1)
I may know little about finance, but I’ve learned a great deal as a historian about listening to one’s advisers.
In the meantime, a lightworker at the helm is not meant to impose a lightworker’s view of finance on anyone. Most lightworkers have chosen pathways that have not made them rich in money; rich in love perhaps.
A lightworker at the helm, I think, is meant to keep the ship steered towards the goal in Ascension.
In my opinion, it’s the lightworker’s unique appreciation of the goal and the Plan as well as any and all leadership skills they have that they bring to the group mission.
As for my existing ways of doing things passing muster, I’m bringing myself along in some areas. One area where more work is needed is that the outer ways of doing things may pass muster but they don’t always match the inner thoughts I’m having. I’m still a house divided in many respects.
That won’t be good enough for working with the galactics, who can see our thoughts and feelings, so more work is needed in those areas.
(1) “Adamu Speaks: Coronavirus (Part 4) – a Time of Choosing…,” October 9, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/10/09/adamu-speaks-coronavirus-part-4-a-time-of-choosing/
A Lightworker at the Helm | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/17/2020 12:50:00 AM