Monday, September 21, 2020

You Radiate What you are | Victor

You radiate what you are. You are an energy receiving station that receives energy and gives energy. This fact is not wasted on the Deep State which understands energy and its powers of manifestation more than the average Human being.

The average person has no clue as to their own power and potential because that was always kept hidden from you as... "Secret Knowledge"......and it has worked. Because who has even heard of this topic as I write about it or who has even thought about it?

The media knows this "Secret" of this world because that is the Deep States main control tool. "What you focus your attention on you manifest." Your manifest powers are directly connected to how you feel and think.

That is why we now look all over the world and you see absolute insanity popping up everywhere. The average person looks at that and says...."What is going on?". Because they don't know the Secret or understand how "they"... are very important to the future of this world.

Right now there is another "Secret War".......a war between Good vs Evil for control of this world. The winner will be who has control of ...."Your Energy".....YOU ARE THE KEY TO IT ALL.

That is why there are fires all over the west, way beyond "normal". Those fires are needed to produce ..."NEGATIVE ENERGY"........because the old powers that be are desperate for their controlling energies and their "Food".....negativity.

It appears that from this hidden world war that the old Pedophile and child abuse systems, which are hidden underground in deep underground Dumb's is being taken down by the powers of Goodness. It has been rumored that there are millions of people and children captive. Imagine that amount of "negative energy".....always flooding this reality from a hidden source and how that has shaped this world.

NOW this kind of negativity .....this is being taken down. Because of this. It has reduced the negative energies and the "Food"....that some call "Losch".....from the old dark power that used to rule.

As a large and hidden source of one dark energy of suffering is taken down and removed, the "losers" of the war, need some kind of "Negativity" to replace what they are losing. The terror is that without "negativity" flooding this reality ?......that they will starve and lose control. Which they will. This is their end and they know it.

That is why the battle for YOUR so important and why any form of negativity was always promoted. From climate fears to Aids fears which started decades ago, followed by more virus or Ebola fears to mosquito fear to killer bees......etc. Do you see the pattern?.

Then you throw in perpetual wars, environmental destruction, social unrest, Chemtrail pollution.....all of it!...It all serves only to produce ..."Negativity"..... Without that?........the Deep State dies. Because without our ....." unwitting participation"......they have nothing of their own. They need Humans with their "Creative powers" to keep on transmitting and amplifying those energies because we Create Reality. ....THEY DO NOT!..... They are not made in the image of God......WE ARE!

That means that we are our own enslavers or liberators and have not known it, IT WAS ALSO KEPT A SECRET. Because we are like a radio station transmitting what we feel and believe.

IF we don't believe in Fear and Lack......and understand how we are co-creators. Then we raise the whole world up by hold the... "Space"....the energy of simple goodness and LOVE.

We start by keeping our...."AWARENESS".... Keeping awareness in our body. NOT in your mind with thoughts and thinking and fear concepts. If you focus on negative fear thoughts? produce only that. Those are control tools of the Deep State and Satanists.

YOU also need the Balance of Awareness. That is why controllers promote fear and dark rituals. They are addicted to dark negative energies and need more. That is why they went to the extremes of pedophilia.....because that had the most negative energies.

If we stay in.... "AWARENESS"......That alone is...."SOURCE ENERGY".....It does not get any better than that, because that is LIFE ITSELF. So when you see that!.... you keep your attention on your body first AND you go SILENT.....and stay in the NOW.

For example, we can start to be aware of our hands and then YOU STAY.... "PRESENCE".........

THAT IS IT!.....You then begin to actively radiate that energy of LIGHT instead of the dark energies of "Mind Control"...that needs thoughts. By such a simple change in your own personal attention ....YOU FREE THE WORLD!.......BY HOLDING THE SPACE. YOU THEN RADIATE LIGHT.

By not giving your power of.... "Attention"....way, you change. You also CHANGE the whole world all at the same time. YOU stop radiating the negative ...."Losch".....that demons need. YOU then can laugh at demons and they shrivel up because even laughter has higher energy than anything that they can muster up in rituals.

YOU win by ......"NOT BEING ASLEEP"......and "STAYING AWAKE"......That power is Eternal and always Trumps the dark.

Written by Victor