By Steve Beckow, September 26, 2020
Why is awareness so important? Why not love? Why not good works?
Well, of course those are also very important.
But awareness – which is also called discernment and discrimination in some religions – is of ultimate importance. Why?
By now I should be able to ask “What is the purpose of life?” and a hundred hands go up.
The purpose of life, the reason God created life, as I saw in a vision in 1987, (1) was that God could meet God in a moment of our enlightenment.
When one of us knows who we truly are, when one of us realizes our true identity, our essential nature, we know “I am God.” At that moment of realization, the only one God meets itself in our realization. (2)
If you were the only One in the universe – and beyond – how would you … meet anyone? How would you know yourself?
Look around you. This is how the One did it. Create an illusory world of temporary beings who don’t know who they are and awaken them to their God-identity.
In the moment when the bubble of illusion bursts, the temporary being realizes. It’s like fireworks going off and the always, already God meets itself in the newly-realized God before It.
This is all done through awareness, discernment, discrimination (not this, not this).
I’ve said on a number of occasions, that for bliss or peace or love to fill us up, we have to recognize it. Oh, this wisp that I feel is bliss. Oh, this feeling is love. Wow, this is peace. And the divine state responds by filling us up. (3)
By the same token, enlightenment happens through realization. Bliss lifts us up to a higher level where we see things more clearly and we have a realization that releases a torrent of the divine states.
And then subsides, short of Ascension.
Realization is an act of awareness. Though it can be triggered by any of the divine states, what a realization is is a dawning awareness, usually of a higher order, but concerning anything – our present life, our origins, our future.
So increasing our awareness, our concentration, and our calmness promotes realization. They create fertile ground for it. They maximize our chances of, say, a random insight deepening or rising to realization.
Ascension itself is not like a Christmas gift. A Christmas gift is put under the tree and you have to wait till Christmas Day to open it. Once Christmas Day arrives, you open your gift and that’s it.
No, with Ascension, we get gifts along the way, and they keep getting better and better. My articles on this blog have been a day-to-day recounting of my own experiences, (4) which have just gotten better and better. (5)
(1) See “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
(2) Like an un-self-conscious baby we grow up to the adolescence of self-consciousness; then the adulthood of Self-Consciousness; and then the golden years of No-Self-Consciousness as the Self re-immerses itself in the One.
(3) Yes, the divine states are intelligent or intelligently-directed (I don’t know which). Love, peace, bliss, etc., will all flee if we ignore them or debase them with our thoughts. And, when we’re really and truly open, they recognize that openness and find any crack to enter.
(4) If I hadn’t written these experiences down, as they happened or close to when they happened, I would never remember them. The written record of them is far better than my ability to recollect them, except as a capsule description.
(5) Remember that I’ve volunteered to be a guinea pig so I probably have more experiences or “visits” than the next person.
Moreover, I’m a pillar, here till the end, and a communicator. My senior partners tell me they don’t want me to go off to a cave to seek to “finish the job” and they don’t want me to lose touch with my readers because I’m floating around in the ethers. So my experiences are usually truncated. Perhaps they might feature no bliss, which is what lifts us up to a higher vibrational realm and realization.
If this is a race, it’s a race we’re all running together with the commitment being that we all get across the finish line.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Why is Awareness so Important? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/27/2020 12:49:00 AM