Sunday, September 13, 2020

Who Would Mow the Grass? | Heavenletters #4676

Who Would Mow the Grass? | Heavenletters

SEP 13 2020

God said:

Silence is the word of the day. Silence is such a rich subject. It is peace. Keeping your mouth closed is not exactly by itself peace.

The Silence I speak of is Oneness with Me. In Silence, you become aware of how close We are to each other. We are in an embrace. That’s it. When you let distraction go, you are well aware of Our Being together.

Being. Not necessarily doing. Being. Simple Being. What an embrace simply Being is. We be. We ARE. We are not in a place, and, yet, We hold the world together. Without you, beloveds, what would the world be? The Earth would still be beautiful, but without the grace of My children, who would shout it out! Who would tell all the stories? Who would plant the corn?

Of course, the world would go on even if all the beautiful human beings were not, yet who would mow the grass on your front lawn and who would sing the Earth’s glories?

Surely, seeds can plant themselves, and, yet, just the same, the beautiful Earth loves your presence. Earth loves an audience, for you are the mirror upon which the world looks at itself.

Science has said that every molecule is affected by its audience. The Earth loves you to look at it and walk down its streets and swim in its waters. The Sun loves to shine down upon you and warm your skin and brighten the sky. The Earth gives you its love, and the Earth wants its love received.

That you walk on the Earth is a treasure that the Earth receives. Believe Me, the Earth blesses you. The world is the people who walk on Earth. You and the Earth complement each other. Both are givers and both receive. And, yet, the people who walk the Grand Earth are not always appreciators. Appreciating is like a smile. Appreciating is like putting your name on a petition. You add your name to a list of the people in the world who want to make the Earth happy. You sign the petition that reads:

“God’s Good Earth nourishes me, and I wish to nourish the Earth. I nourish it with my appreciation. I dance and sing on this Earth that God put me on. I live life on this Earth for as long as I do. Even though no one owns the land, all of it is mine. Wherever I am, it is for me. Just as the Sun and the Moon and the Stars are mine. Of course, they are mine, and I shine my light back to every thing and every one. I do not turn my light on and off. My light is on, and I put no ceiling or veiling on my light. Everyone and everything receive my light. I give it as the Sun gives light to the day. It is my happiness to give to the Earth.

“Every tree that grows, every plant, every flower, every weed is a blessing from God, and craves my regard for it. Every animal on Earth, the tamed and the wild, every sentient being is on Earth for its beauty of expression of God’s Love and loves your love you have for it. All what you might call insentient like the stones and the sand and the wind also gives themselves to you in joy and want your blessings upon them.

“This includes every man-made thing, every drawing Your child or my child draws with crayons is mine to adore, and adore I do. I who am loved have love to give. It is a blessing to me that I can love all. Even that which I do not like, I can love.

“God says I am Love, that love is my reason for Being. Now I declare that I, whoever I may be or not be, I am love. I proclaim my love, for I am love, and love will I be.”

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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light