Sunday, September 13, 2020
Trust is the Bedrock of all Relationships | Josianna via Linda Dillon
By Sitara, September 13, 2020
What the Mother is demanding is that people perform, act, engage according to the highest standards of integrity, of truth, of peace, and of love.
This beautiful channelled gem is lovingly shared by Donna from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.
Josianna ~ Trust is the Bedrock of All Relationships
Greetings, I am Josianna, guardian and friend, protector of your sacred being, defender of your portals, keeper of your flame. Welcome, bright angel of light, angel of blue, blue, blue, servant, daughter of the Mother, holder of peace, holder of truth, holder of nurturing.
And yes, sweet one, there are times when, in standing front and centre in the clarity of truth, in the clarity of Divine Authority, that you are in fact nurturing those around you by demanding, commanding, and birthing that they live, act, perform up to their potential, up to their sacred promises to the Mother.
Yes, there is a time when you act on behalf of the Mother and you comfort, and you coddle, and you nourish. And that is when someone is so tired, so exhausted, so weary – which you have felt of late – that you are gathered into the arms of the Mother and held there while you are restored, reconstructed, reborn. And that is what is going on with you,
At the same time, there are other situations in which you are acting on behalf of the Mother and standing as the pillar, as the beacon of light, not giving either actual or tacit, casual permission to act less-than – no! – demanding not merely for reasons of selfishness or self, but demanding that people stand up and act, behave, perform, and hold the highest qualities of which they were born capable.
It is not that the Mother is asking of thee, that you are being required for people to gain or go searching for skills, qualities, abilities, capacities which they have never had. That is not the case. What you are asking, what you are demanding… and let us be very clear, what the Mother is demanding… is that people perform, act, engage according to the highest standards of integrity, of truth, of peace, and of love.
All relationships, regardless of the nature – business, pleasure, family, friendship, it matters not – all relationships engender and rely upon mutuality and trust. When the trust is broken, it is abhorrent. It isn’t just sad, it isn’t just unfortunate, it is abhorrent! Because it means that the fundamental building block of relationship… and we are not just talking about human to human; it is human to divine, kingdom to human, kingdom to divine, divine to the Universal One… when trust is broken, the fundamentals are broken, and that means it is back to square one in terms of reconstruction.
We are not suggesting that there are not honest missteps, honest misunderstandings, miscommunication at times. But when the intent is authentic and genuine, then the trust is maintained. Where trust is skirted, avoided, ignored, then it is considerable and it sometimes takes a very long time to repair that building block.
So what you are seeing, for example, in your house is that it is not just about maintaining a schedule, because the construction damage of trust has been broken. And it is not sufficient… too many people wish to proceed in the old realm, but the old realm is dead and gone and this is what the Mother’s Pause is making them realise: the old will no longer suffice.
So the trust has to be rebuilt. And that isn’t about simply changing an order or fixing a wall or, in the case of work, backing up. It is a fundamental repair and it is the bedrock upon which, both figuratively and actually, houses, societies, communities are built.
So have you been put, dearest heart, in a situation, in several environments, where in fact you are being required – because it is not your nature to simply let this go by, and we do not ask you to – you are being required to say “the repair work must take place.”
It is not a matter of adhering to lines of authority or reporting schedules. It is a matter of truly adhering to the promise. And whether it is a promise of building your forever-home or a community, these promises cannot be ignored. These promises, the promise of trust, is the bedrock.
So yes, you are being put in a position where you, in your Divine Authority, in your divine wisdom, are quite literally requiring others to step up, to step forward – not as some quasi-sufficient individual or collective, but in the truth and the might and the power of who they really are.
Is this difficult? Yes. Do we sustain you? Yes. Do we guide you to be vigilant and to be filled with valour in terms of this undertaking? The answer is yes. We support you. We defend you. We protect you.
Go forward, sweet one! Go forward with your sword flaming and your countenance very clear about what is acceptable and what is not. Is this clear?
D: Yes, but do we overall just walk away and find us another forever-home or continue to fight this battle?
J: We would suggest that you continue to fight the battle because what is going on… this is like a microcosm of the bigger picture, of the macro. First of all, is it possible you will find that you can create – because you are mighty creator – your forever-home elsewhere? Of course, it is. And would we help you? Of course, we would.
So never think what we say to you is literally etched in stone. Where you go, we go, sweet one! It is not the other way around.
But having said that, this is a universal problem. That is why you are seeing it everywhere. This is a universal issue in which the human collective is diligently, very rigorously [laughing] attempting to ignore their sacred-self mission, to ignore or to tap down the very best part of themselves – to, in our words, “do sloppy work”.
And we are not talking just about spilled paint or hacked-out drywall. What we are talking about is that they are being sloppy, inconsistent, and not respectful – not only not of you, of your beloved K, but of themselves – and that is not sufficient!
So our concern is that you can face it here or you can encounter it elsewhere. Now, we are not suggesting, let us also be very clear… our guidance to you this day and absolutely every day, sweet one, is not to make yourself absolutely miserable. So if this persists, yes, by all means, walk away. But we are suggesting that in fact, the remedies are right there directly in front of you.
You are almost there. People are realising that you are not simply going to go away and that your demands, your expectations, are not pie-in-the-sky expectations. These are, let us be extremely clear – and this applies to both your house and to work – these are contractual agreements.
Human beings, far too often, do not understand the nature of sacred contracts; they think of this as some kind of fancy terminology or language. But, in fact, the contracts of Earth… even though they have become, hmmm, shall we say ‘dumbed down’… are a reflection of sacred contracts: to behave with integrity, alignment to truth, peace, kindness, compassion, love.
But it is also to do and to fulfil, not to have a stab at, but to literally complete a sacred undertaking – a sacred undertaking not only on behalf of oneself, on behalf of the collective, but more importantly on behalf of the Mother.
These are contracts that you have entered into. And the contracts, both human and divine, are not to be simply casually disregarded or thought of as a loose set of guidelines. These are promises! And when the contract, for example, for your house – the agreements for your sacred space – are not being respected, then that is a violation of a sacred promise, a sacred contract.
Humans have forgotten this and, dear heart, you are reminding them!
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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Source: Golden Age of Gaia