The Ship Arrives | Para Kas-Vetter

Photographer: ©Cleverpix-Cindy Lever

The Ship arrives....

He held onto the dream for so long and suddenly as the month of reaping he climbed to the hill without walls or barriers there it was, behold the ship coming.

The gates of his heart flung open, and his joy flew far over the sea. And he closed his eyes and prayed in the Silences of his soul.

But as he descended the hilltop a sadness came upon him, and there a thought in his heart....

How shall I go in peace and without sorrow? Not without a wound in the spirit shall I leave.

Long were the days of pain, and long were the nights of alones. Too many fragments of the spirit have I had to unite here.

My Heart filled.

The sea calls me, and I must embark.

For to stay, though the hours burn in the nights, is to freeze and crystalline and be bound in a mould.

But how shall I leave? I know A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that gave it wings.
I must fly like an eagle across the sun.

Looking back at the ship coming, his soul cries.

How often have you sailed in my dreams. And now you come in my awakening, which is my deeper dreams.
Ready am I to go, and my eagerness with sails full set awaits the wind.

But shall the day of parting be the day of gathering?

But the elders stood forth and said go not yet way from us. A noon tide have you been in our twilight, and your youth has given us dreams to dream. No stranger are you among us, nor a guest, but our son and our dearly beloved.

Let not the waves of the sea separate us now, and the years you have spent in our midst become a memory. You have walked among us a spirit, and your shadow has been a light upon our faces.

Much have we loved you. Our cries are loud, reveals before you. Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.

Those who stood near saw his tears falling.

Yet one soul who believed in him approached him, hailing for all to hear, Prophet of God, in quest of the uttermost, long have you searched for distances for your ship. And now your ship has come, and you must needs go.

Deep is your longing for the land of your memories and the dwelling place of your greatest desires; and our love would not bind you nor our needs hold you.

Yet we as before you leave us, that you speak to us and give us of your truth. And we will give it unto our children, so it shall not perish.



”In leaving behind my ‘old story’ and pursuing my path of soul quest, ‘inner journey’, and ‘spiritual richness’ , one of the most challenging and trying times of recent have been letting go of what I had ‘planned so as to accept the life’ my soul has been calling me to, the ‘life that{has been} waiting for ‘ me, so as ‘to gain a new way of being, of safety, of security, of depth, of meaning.”
~ Rick Rutherford’s Country Magazine, The Triumphs of Life article, Page 7

“...sometimes life brings circumstances and obstacles that can challenge everything you’ve ever known about being happy. During those times, it might feel like everything has been turned upside-down, inside-out, and backwards................”

“Sometimes, life can throw us a curved ball. As a consequence of circumstances unforeseen, and certainly uncontrolled, we’re sidelined. When we regroup and start back treading the path of everyday life, we can soon find that we’re heading in a whole new and unexpected direction. Very often it can be along a course that ultimately brings us more happiness and fulfilment than we could have ever imagined, the hardships we have mastered being finally understood as a great blessing rather than the opposite on the journey of life....”
~ Rick Rutherford’s Country Magazine, An Unexpected Journey Article, Page 19-20

“The things we live through, the adversities we overcome....propel us in directions we had previously never thought possible. They can set us on a course where we can achieve greater things purely because we’ve discovered deep within ourselves a sense of endurance and capability, confidence and faith. All these positive, affirming qualities can come as a consequence of the very act of mastering the obstacles that have confronted us in life.”
~ Rick Rutherford’s Country Magazine, The Triumphs of Life article, Page 7

“I have given each petal permission individually, hesitantly, cautiously, to begin to loosen its grip on the bud. Now, the process can no longer be controlled........... There’s an energy that has been released in the process that won’t allow me to go backwards. Oh, part of me would really like to go backwards, like when I rewind a movie I’ve recorded. It would feel much safer to be in that bud, but my inner self, my soul, won’t let me do that. It keeps pushing me forward, making me become what I am supposed to become. It persistently offers me new inspiration, more commitment, a higher level of desire. And now, indeed, it feels more painful to remain where I’ve been than to move towards where I’m going. I can do nothing but flower.............the day has come when the risk of remaining tight inside the bud is more painful than the risk it will take to blossom.”

Nina Amir

“Each of us was born with wings and has the ability to go further than we ever thought possible and to do things beyond our wildest imagination.” “...the strength is of connection with the Source of life, and it unites us with our intuition in the deepest way” “...when we leave the known world to voyage into the unknown...” “There is a candle in our Heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your Soul, ready to Be filled”
~ The Hero’s Journey ; Rumi

“Faith dares the Soul to go farther than it can see.”

~ William Clarke

'I know what it’s like to feel tired – and not just in the physical sense.

....I know you haven’t always been this worn out – that there was a time when you were hopeful and pure. When your optimism outweighed your cynicism and you had an infinite amount in you to give. I know you have been chipped away and worn down piece by piece – a broken heart here and an un-kept promise there. I know the world hasn’t always been kind.... and that you’ve lost more times than you have ever won. I know you’re feeling uninspired to try again. I know.

Because the truth is, we’re all tired. Every single one of us. By a certain age, we are all nothing more than an army of broken hearts and aching souls, desperately searching for fulfillment. We want more but we’re too tired to ask for it.....too scared to begin again. We need to take risks but we’re afraid to watch it all come crashing down around us. After all, we’re not sure how many times we will be able to start over.

We all think we’re alone in our exhaustion. But the truth is we’re tired of each other – tired of the games we play and the lies we tell and the uncertainties we present to each other. We don’t want to play the villain but we don’t want to play the fool either. So our guards go up. Our defences rile. And we take on the role that we loathe to see played because we’re not sure what choice we have left.

I know how impossible it can feel to go on trying and giving and becoming when you are exhausted straight through to the soul. I know that the cheerful ideals you were once promised now seem tired and hopeless. But here’s what I beg if you’re this close to giving up: give it one more try, with feeling. I know you’re tired of your attempts. I know that you’re at your wit’s end. But the truth about that second wind of passion is that you’re never going to realize you have it if you do not keep on running past your first.

We’re all more resilient than we think, and that’s an indisputable truth. There is always more love that we are capable of giving, more hope that we are capable of having, more passion that we’re capable of unleashing and flooding out into the world. We just don’t walk far enough down our own roads to reach the point where we’re seeing those actions pay off. We want immediate results and when we see none, we give up. We let the exhaustion stop us. We grow frustrated with the lack of feedback and we assume that means we have to throw the entire attempt right out the window.

Because here’s something we all loathe to admit – none of us are inspired every day. We all get exhausted. We all get discouraged. And we’re allowed to work on through those feelings. Just because you’re beaten down and worn out ....doesn’t mean you’re not making a change. Every person you have ever admired has had times where they felt utterly defeated in the pursuit of their dreams. But that didn’t prevent them from reaching them. You’re allowed to stumble slowly towards your biggest transformations. It doesn’t always have to be a blazing, flagrant affair.

Some parts of life happen quietly. They happen slowly. They happen because of the small, careful choices that we make everyday, that turn us into better versions of ourselves. We have to allow ourselves the time to let those alterations happen. To watch them evolve. To not grow hopelessly frustrated in the in-between.

When you’re tired, go slowly. Go quietly. Go timidly. But do not stop. You are tired for all the right reasons. You are tired because you’re supposed to be. You’re tired because you’re making a change. You are exhausted for all the right reasons and it’s only an indication to go on. You are tired because you’re growing. And someday that growth will give way to the exact rejuvenation that you need.'

When you go through a hard period, when everything seems to oppose you … When you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, NEVER GIVE UP! Because it is the time and place that the course will divert!
~ Jalaluddin Rumi

“It is time to unbind from the old ways of being that are no longer sustainable.”

~ Rebecca Campbell

“The journey itself will change you forever, not only your priorities but your passions. It alters not only your direction but your desires. It transforms not only your actions but your values…..”
~ Erwin Raphael McManus - Stand against the wind: Awaken the Hero within

"The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it."
~ John Ruskin 1819-1900

When you believe

Para Kas-Vetter
*"Philosophia" *Writer *Oracle *Spiritual *Creative

Sòlance Voyage Gallery
‘Sacred Whispers’ ‘Sacred Journey’ ‘Spiritual Quest’
A Pilgrimage to Unlock the Sacredness of Life.
The Ship Arrives | Para Kas-Vetter The Ship Arrives | Para Kas-Vetter Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 9/01/2020 09:43:00 PM Rating: 5

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