Monday, September 21, 2020

The Most Important Peace | Suzanne Maresca

By Suzanne Maresca, September 21, 2020

With all that’s happening in our world and the uncertainties that we face every day, there’s been no more important time to bring focus to the self.

It’s each of us individually whose frequency and vibration is bringing the entirety of the Earth Collective into wholeness and alignment.

With that truth at heart, the Peace that we seek in the outer is something that starts inescapably within our own personal kingdom and domain. It may not be the easiest mission we were given in this current chaotic stage to keep the vibe high.

Maintaining a loving presence and intention in the face of much that is quite the opposite is truly the work of Masters…and we’re up for it.

We each have our ways and means of connecting with guidance, and finding the Peace within depends on those dedicated practices be they meditation or journeying, physical movement or singing. The rules to follow are our own.

The Light we carry is our protection when we cast no shadow and intend no harm. Adding a blessing for those we might consider adversaries further reinforces that shield, and it all paves the way for maintaining one’s own personal inner peace.

At this point in the evolution of Humanity, it may just be the most powerful thing we can do to help this shift along and bring lasting Peace to the All.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia