September 6, 2020, shantagabriel.com
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week ~ Bask in the wonder of life — go deep, soar high, follow your love, and the joy of fulfillment is yours
I love the energy in this message. It inspires me to expand my heart to open into the spaciousness of multidimensional life that we are being offered at this time.
Things are rapidly changing in the world around us, so coming back to our hearts to recognize the Light of Divinity working in and through us, helps to keep our center and is so very healing. This Light contains all the wondrous Love and Intelligence of the Divine Presence available for us to receive, integrate and radiate back into the world for the evolution of all life on Earth.
We are being encouraged now to open and receive our highest soul’s gifts, and use this opportunity to bring these divinely inspired qualities back into the world as our passion, our joy, and our service.
These evolutionary times have given us a world of brilliant polarities. The challenge for me is to learn to keep my emotions balanced. When I can stay in equanimity, I remember that as the power of Divine Light is flooding the planet, it is pushing to the surface all that is not in harmony with the higher frequencies. I know the discordant vibrations are here to be transmuted and released. When I engage with the darkness that I see, it lowers my frequencies so I am not able to remember the higher reality as well.

How much more resourceful it is for me to find the inspiration I need to soar high and expand into the greater truth that exists in all circumstances. That reminds me to claim Well-being for myself and all others, finding more love in my heart so that the Light of Divinity will be the radiance I am emanating, not fear.
If I take the time, it is even more powerful to do this exercise with my spine against a tree. The presence and alignment of that strong and steady being fills me again with the true wonder that nourishes and sustains me. From this place, my heart can open to the many more miraculous possibilities that are here for us in these new times.
We are here to bring so much Divine Light into our lives that it transmutes the darkness. One person anchoring Light helps to lift the hearts of all humanity. The millions of people who are banishing the darkness with their Light are making a difference, and the consciousness of the Earth is truly evolving in wondrous ways.
Divine Presence,
I am grateful for the power of Divine Light moving in and through me at all times. Please help me to absorb and integrate this Light in ways that will allow me to remember that the Light is always shining, even if there appears to be darkness.
Thank you God, for bringing expansive awareness of the awe-inspiring wonder within all life. I am grateful that my Soul’s gifts are becoming ever more evident and available for me to use and share. Help me to see and move deeply into the integration of the magical qualities within this expanded energy in which we live.
It is so wondrous to soar with the Divine Support and Blessings that are available to me at all times. Help me to remember this and be inspired to expand into more Divine Light and allow the presence of Love to permeate every cell and fiber of my being, now and always.
Thank you God. And so it is.

Dear One,
Life is a special gift from God, filled with infinite beauty. Your appreciation and gratitude for this beauty brings forth a new dimension of love within you. Take the time to pursue beauty. Find one flower and look with wondrous eyes upon this divine miracle.

Notice the grace of a tree, the strength of its trunk, the power of the root system diving deep into the ground, and the play of the leaves in the sunlight. Put your arms around a tree and take a moment to sense the life force pulsing inside. This slow, steady pulse will soothe and calm you in times of upset. Try sitting with your back against a tree and feel the peace grow within you.
Listen to the songs of birds. They sing for the pure joy of it. This is nature in all its glory, and nature will always remind you of the beauty and wonder of Spirit.
Nature is one of the easiest ways to bask in the wonder of life. Just being aware of the miraculous occurrences in nature will stir the life force within you. There will be a reminder of times when you were a child and wonder lived at the forefront of your awareness. When you do this, your life takes on new meaning, a spacious quality of Grace.
Go deep within the feelings that connect you with Spirit. Be aware that you are a child of a benevolent Universe. Know that you are guided and protected by the Angels, and that who you are has great value to the world.
Soar high, and experience the incredible possibilities available to you at every moment. Anything is possible. Miracles are the natural state of being in the universe. Do not limit yourself by thinking you can’t do what is important to you.
Take the time to let your guardian Angel show you how you can accomplish all your dreams. In your meditation, ask for this from your Highest Self. You deserve to have that which makes you happy in your life.
Life is not meant to be a painful struggle without hope. Allowing new possibilities to play on the perimeters of your consciousness will begin the process of opening to full miracles. It is a process of allowing. It takes willingness to have your life be happier and more satisfying, even if you don’t know how to do it. This willingness allows the forces of the universe to work for you.
Allow yourself to open to miracles and to wondrous joy and gratitude for all that is available to you right now. Call on your Angelic presence to open the way to the miracles you deserve.
That is why we say:
Bask in the wonder of life — go deep, soar high, follow your love, and the joy of fulfillment will be yours.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
The Joy of Fulfillment will be yours | Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/08/2020 12:32:00 AM