Saturday, September 26, 2020

Message from your Hostess of Light | September 2020


September 2020

From your Hostess of Light

Hey Ya’ll sorry for this issue being a little tardy, time has taken on its own multilayered form and is challenging to navigate. We just returned from the Yearly Gem Crystal Mineral show in Colorado, Rocky Mts. (it snowed the day before we went dropping like 60 degrees in a day whew!) It is one heck of a drive from where we live in the Smokey Mts. of Tennessee to Colorado. There is one thing that became very clear in our travels; the world needs Magic with a capital ‘M”. We drove this year and I never prayed so hard, calling in everything Holy almost speaking in tongues a few times!

Many have become very mustang like, as they buck this past year’s restrictions, displaying that very dangerously on the road. It truly is a chaos and needs our help. Everything has lost its sparkle and magic, people are pushed down like plants covered during a late frost. People on this past trip seemed to be covered, withdrawn and compressed in spirit not extending themselves. Unzipping their emotional tent for a minute and then closing the flap immediately. It was lonely amongst all we encountered. The crystal show itself was a disappointment with lots of long socially distant lines waiting outside and very few vendors inside. However I was totally amazed at the beautiful and powerful crystals that found their way to me. They have a lot to say and each is chopping at the bit to be seen and touched. It was a much needed time out for this goddess; now back to this reality, cleaning horse stalls, being wonder woman, crystal woman and all that entails. My teaching was to embrace the moment and its experiences no matter how crazy they were. Being thankful in the moment for all the wild actions of others was the best way for me to ground and anchor my light holding onto my sunny hologram. Blessings Gillian