Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Love and Peace are Oneness | Heavenletters #1516

Love and Peace Are Oneness | Heavenletters

SEP 22 2020

God said:

Aspire to personal and world peace in your lifespan on Earth. When you are in the midst of the flow of love, you will have enlivened peace. You will have fullness of peace. Put off nothing until later. Where did you get the idea that peace is something to wait for? Invite it to you now.

Peace isn’t the settling of a fray. Peace is where fray cannot enter. Love is the antidote to fray, and it is the preventive. Love is the best cold medicine there is, and it is a magnanimous dispenser of peace. Come to a state of rest from fray where only peace remains. I hold up the right arm of peace and proclaim it the winner. The fight is over.

Anything but peace dissipates your energy. More than vitamins, peace increases energy. It is excellent to desire peace for the world. This desire for universal peace ensures your peacefulness. Your very desire of peace brings it to you. When your desires and attention are beautiful, what else can your life be? Do not say that you can prove otherwise. Just keep your attention on the high desires of your heart. Do not give so much weight to the lowly vibrations that seem rampant in the world. When you focus on them, your attention keeps them anchored. Your attention feeds them, as it were.

Love and peace are Oneness in practice as well as theory. You experience Oneness as you give love and peace. You have such a reciprocal arrangement with life, beloveds.

Be at peace with yourself. Upset yourself no longer. Erase the furrows from your forehead. This is My world, and all is well. Whatever you see in the news, how unbelievable and inexplicable as it may appear, know that the God of Love reigns and you, as well as I, can turn the illusion of dross into gold. Rub off the dross just as Aladdin rubbed the lamp. See what wonders do appear!

The unhappy things in world life are borders you jump over. You must jump over them. Go past them, or they become quicksand that will keep you bound. Step lightly over quicksand, and it won’t grab a hold of you.

Oh, beloveds, stand on My shoulders, and you will see further than you have ever seen before. You will see further than any concepts you have held. You will see further than yesterday. You will see past the future as well. You will see Reality as I have truly spread it before you.

You accuse Me of having allowed travesty in the world. I allow free will. I allow you your free will. If there is complicity in war, you have been an accomplice. On some level, you have agreed to it. Disagree now. Shake your head no. Acknowledge that you will no longer access the thoughts and dismay that bring war to the world at large, or to you in specific. Acknowledge that you are a child of God and that your thoughts are powerful, so powerful that which you are adamantly opposed to comes to pass.

Undo war. Undo your thoughts. Do not fight war. Engage in peace. Like love, war is not something you want to fight.

Think of the difference in your energy when you think of fighting as opposed to when you think of peace.

Peace, of course, is more than the opposite of war. War leaves a hole in the universe. There is no place for it in the universe. Oneness does not allow sides. All are brethren. All are children of the same God. Do not commit fratricide in your least thought.

Foes are imagined. It is a concept. Join forces with everyone in the universe, and the concept of foe does not exist. Brotherhood becomes your experience. Too many of My children put stock in the impossible state of war more than they do in the actuality of peace.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/love-and-peace-are-oneness.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Source: Rainbow Wave of Light