Dear readers, welcome to our message.
All is proceeding according to plan although it may not seem that way when observed with three dimensional eyes and through concepts about how a spiritually evolving universe should look.
Over eons of time, dark energies became deeply embedded allowing them to penetrate every aspect of life on earth. Generation after generation has been and still is being taught that duality and separation are the reality. These energies are gradually surfacing in order to be recognized for what they represent and eventually clear as people cease energetically feeding, maintaining, and sustaining them for this is all that holds them in place.
Most people are experiencing high levels of anxiety at this time. Do not resist these feelings in the false belief that as an awakened person you shouldn’t have these types of emotions. Simply acknowledge them, remember that they are always impersonal, and then move on. Worry and anxiety are not qualities of Source and therefore have no law to support them.
As you evolve, your energy changes and begins to vibrate at a higher frequency causing you to automatically be more sensitive to the energy of people, places, and things. This can result in experiencing emotions like fear, anger, anxiety, etc. that are not yours. Be alert not claim them as yours, but simply allow them to pass through and out with out giving them power.
We are aware of what most of you are feeling during these times and we say to you that all is proceeding according to plan. Do not get involved in the energy of outer appearances but rather stand back as an observer, not denying or trying to change, heal, and correct appearances but rather as a watcher watching from a place of detached awareness, conscious of the reality underlying all things.
Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with children of God and governed by Love. However, the majority are still hypnotized by appearances to the contrary. Try to remember always that everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell are concepts of a spiritual reality that is being translated by the hypnotized collective mind as being good or bad according to current duality and separation belief.
When you find yourself reacting to some thing or some person in a negative way use the occasion to honestly examine your beliefs. Accumulated obsolete three dimensional beliefs often remain unknown and deeply hidden in consciousness until something occurs to activate and bring awareness to them. It is at this point that you simply and with no guilt or resistance, ask yourself; “What am I believing that is making me feel this way?”
There are no pairs of opposites in Reality, good appearances are just as illusory as the bad ones. Reality is spiritual but most have not yet attained a level of energetic resonance capable of aligning with higher resonating frequencies and so believes they do not exist. This is why a great deal of trust is necessary during these present times. Not a continuing trust in government, organized religion, friends, family, or the so called experts, but a trust in truth, that the reality is and always has been One omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Divine Consciousness manifesting ITself as all that is.
Since God/Divine Consciousness is all that is, IT is and always has been the only cause and therefore the only effect. Ponder this.
Awakening to truth does not mean you suddenly stop living your life. You are on earth at this time to evolve into enlightenment while in physical form, not to deny, hate, or try and avoid humanhood as some religions teach. The days of convents and monasteries with rigid rules and regulations regarding spirituality are long past. Mankind is ready to learn how to be in the world, but not of it.
Enlightenment simply means living each day from your highest attained level of awareness which then allows more truth to unfold. Do what needs to be done–go to work, cook dinner, wash dishes, mow the lawn, perform surgery, teach, repair cars or do absolutely nothing…but do it conscious of the fact that all activity is spiritual, with none being more spiritual than another. Yes, we realize that many activities have become perverted by human minds, but the reality is that activity is how individuals express the innate qualities of Source that lie within them.
There will always be some people you dislike which frequently comes as the result of some past life interaction having nothing to do with the present. Other times it is because certain individuals seem totally out of sync with your belief system. Do not judge yourself or them as bad or unspiritual but rather bring to mind that no one is good or evil in and of themselves since God is the reality of every individual. Know that they are hypnotized and acting out from impersonal false beliefs based in duality and separation regarding themselves and others.
This does not mean you try to be best friends, or ignore what may be troublesome or hurtful actions on their part but rather means that after you remember the truth about them, you then take whatever human footsteps may be required. Being a loving and spiritually empowered person never means being another’s doormat, nor does it mean “walking on eggs” in order to keep a false sense of peace. Silently greet every person you meet as the Christ, and send Light to those far or near in the realization that they “know not what they do”.
The need for laws and jails will exist for awhile yet, but the collective is becoming increasingly aware that actions and solutions based in unconditional love serve to rehabilitate and heal better than force and aggression.
It is a powerful time to be on earth because the ascension process now taking place is allowing souls to heal and complete issues that they may have been carrying though lifetimes. Many wanted to come but were not permitted for some reason or another. Much is yet to come that will awaken increasingly more individuals and give credence to what we are saying.
Many are and more will yet suffer and even die during this process, but know that most are volunteers who lovingly chose to assist in awakening the people of earth. For some, their experiences were karmic completions chosen to be done publicly for others to see and learn from. For others it is a personal choice as to how they can best serve the ascension process, but all are helping in their way to bring universal consciousness out of the dark ages and into the Light.
Those in the higher dimensions are observing and sending high fives to all even as appearances on earth would testify to total failure. Know that things are not as they appear to be. All is proceeding according to plan. Rejoice even in the midst of dark events for these things reflect earth’s journey out of density and the processes bringing change.
Many continue to awaken out of the hypnotized sleep of erroneous belief in spite of continuing attempts by some to keep mankind locked in old energy. Remain alert and aligned with your intuition when you read channels, watch the news, or observe the actions of others for much of it is not what it seems to be.
Opening to higher levels of awareness is inevitable and cannot be avoided. Put off yes, but never avoided for every person is a Divine Being, an expression of God whether they like it or not. This is a fact that can never change regardless of how many lifetimes a person spends in denial.
Be at peace dear ones, rest in your heart, and meditate often. Meditation need not be the rigid structured process that most of you were taught when learning to meditate. These methods were and are necessary for those unable to relax or allow themselves to be silent without the help of structure. The purpose of meditation is nothing more than to reach a place of silent and secret alignment with the “still small voice” within. The process of getting there is what all the structured guidelines have been about.
Resting in “I and the father are one” can be done anyplace and at any time with eyes open or shut–a pause at your desk, a trip to the bathroom, stopping for a red light, sitting under a tree, walking down a busy street, or being at the bedside of someone who is ill. Every activity of daily living offers an opportunity to center, align with, and silently realize; “I am Divine Consciousness”. Eventually and without conscious effort, you begin to live meditation 24/7 and it becomes no longer something you do, but something you are.
Be not afraid dear ones, for you are exactly where you planned to be before incarnating. The planet is becoming increasingly filled with awakened souls who have chosen to assist in earth’s transition to a higher frequency. What you are witnessing is a world that is experiencing the strong and painful labor pains necessary for birthing a new world consciousness based in love and truth.
Allow the process dear ones. Allow the process and hold your Light in spite of any and all personal or global appearances for Light is the only reality.
We are the Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffael at Onenessofall.com
Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele | September 6, 2020
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/06/2020 09:20:00 AM