By Steve Beckow, September 7, 2020
I came across this passage from a 2017 reading today and found it so interesting for a number of reasons.
It’s part of what he’s said to me that had me actually stop worrying about finances.
It’s also an opportunity to watch an archangel at work with his servant. This relationship is open to anyone who asks for it, in my opinion.
Michael’s message to me: Stop worrying about finances. It adds nothing to the situation.
In the discussion after that, he points out that the Reval is really about spiritual currency, along with physical currency, which we still love.
For me, spiritual currency means the divine states, like love, generosity, compassion, etc. They’re higher dimensional and the real treasure of life.
I’ve actually had an experience of the divine state of abundance, as he mentions below; I know it as a state and can therefore vouch for what he calls the development of “spiritual currency,” like generosity and compassion, as being the true hoped-for outcome of the Reval. He’s looking for its uplifting influence to be a contribution to Ascension, in my opinion.
There’ll be several waves of abundance slated to sweep across the planet. The lightworker community, it’s hoped, will direct these funds to where they’re most needed for the public good.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2017.
Archangel Michael: Now before you even ask, I want to, I was going to say, suggest, but really I am telling you! I am sharing with you.
This whisper of concern about the practicality of what you think of as money, and your concern for others as well, is understood but it is not necessary.
Steve: How is that, Lord – not necessary?
AAM: There is a massive difference between awareness and diligence and even vigilance – and worry. Worry does not truly accomplish anything.
In fact, what it does, sweet one, is it distracts you from, can we say, the business at hand. And the business can be a delightful walk in the park, an afternoon movie, an intense conversation with a beloved or friend.
You don’t say to people, “Oh I can’t go out today, I have to stay at home and worry.” All human beings … understand that it really doesn’t do anything.
And yet rather than abandon that niggling, wiggling fear, what they do, rather than staying home and dealing with it, is they carry it around with them so, as if it is a precious treasure.
[They believe] that it is a treasure chest of gold and jewels that somehow is going to solve the problem when in fact what it does is push them away from the very thing that they desire. And that is true whether it is health or relationship or having a home or the practicality of money.
Now you know that I have spoken at length, and repeatedly, about spiritual currency being an integral, unavoidable part of this thing that you call the RV. What you call the RV, I call the re-evaluation of spiritual currency.
But inside of that, my dearest friend, I am not naïve. You do not fully remember everything and in that way we differ. In some ways I see your lack of memory as truly a gift.
But I remember. I know what the practicality of physical currency – what you think of as money, whether it is gold or salt or incense or frankincense – what this means.
We have an agreement and the agreement is not only that you are going to proceed with money to complete your various projects. Note, I say not “begin.” I say “complete.”
Now, is anything ever really completed? No, because the Mother’s Plan and Time and Creation are infinite. But I want you to know that I am talking to you in terms of completion. So it is not just getting over the hump; it is the fulfilment of part of your dream.
Now our agreement has been that you are a co-contributor, that I am a co-contributor to the writing, (1) to the stewardship, (2) to the fulfilment of these dreams.
So in terms of the practicality, of you having the financial wherewithal to proceed, including your RV, it is on your doorstep. Continue to envision, invoke, and work with the laws to bring this forth. (3)
Because it is also, not only the Mother’s Tsunami but the wave of human intent and action, the readiness [that matters]. Now you are past ready but you can do this with many, with millions so you are helping others to get in that “let’s go” mood.
Everything is in order. It is not a matter of this button or that program not working or failing or people trying to interfere. Everything is going forward. …
When I have said “spiritual currency,” you’ve had a glimpse of this in the knowing of mastery and abundance (4) and so you know it isn’t about money. It is about spiritual currency. And I say to you, “congratulations.”
(1) On the Golden Age of Gaia. Notice he said “writing” and not “administration.”
(2) Through Michaelangelo & Partners.
(3) I was invoking regularly for a long time and then I let the process slide. I will resume it. I understand the power of invocations better now than I did then.
(4) I’ve had brief experiences of mastery and abundance as divine states. Like all divine states, they were wonderful and I can’t find words to describe them.
Sri Ramakrishna tells a story that metaphorically illustrates the dilemma. A man scaled a high wall to see what was on the other side. When he looked, he gasped in awe and wonder and promptly jumped down onto the other side. Now who is there to tell you what he saw?
By the same token, we (OK, I) don’t have words to describe higher-dimensional realities. My mind has jumped down onto the other side. But we have no language to communicate what was seen other than “Aaahhhhh!”
We haven’t established any conventions that I’m aware of that would allow us to communicate our experience of a divine state – only the results of that experience (I cried, I was aghast, I was in awe, etc.).
Any words I’d find would be superlatives but that just communicates the awe and wonder I feel upon being in the experience of them.
Paradoxically before experiencing a divine state, I might talk about it; after experiencing it, I no longer know how to talk about it. The ability to talk about it evaporates. It escapes me.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Archangel Michael: A Massive Difference Between Awareness and Worry | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/08/2020 12:35:00 AM