By Steve Beckow, September 6, 2020
I assert that a Fifth-Dimensional world is a world that works for everyone.
I assert that an ascended world is a world that works for everyone.
A world beyond mukti, moksha, or liberation is a world that works for everyone.
The dead are alive and the living are dead. That proverb has so many levels of meaning. (1)
The one I like and that appeals to me is that those who live drowned (dead) in the Ocean of Love are more alive than those merely living in the body.
I’m not sure if what I say applies to the Fifth, but I know it applies to the Seventh, also known as the Plane of Christ Consciousness and the Plane of Love. (2)
In the Seventh is located the Ocean of Love, I’m told (there were no maps or traffic signs). I had to ask Michael for its location. (3)
Think of yourself as a car. Your owner has you rebuilt from top to bottom, cleaned you out, rebored your cylinders, reupholstered you, repainted you, and there you are.
That’s a fraction of how you’ll feel drowned in the Ocean of Love. Brand, spanking new and ready to go. Not a harmful thought in your head or hurtful feeling in your heart. Everything inside and outside you is loving.
That is a world that works for everyone. (4)
(1) Other levels: Those who are dead to the pleasures of the senses are alive in the spirit. Another level: Dwellers on the astral planes are more alive to life than people living in the body. Etc.
(2) “[When Gaia resides in] the seventh … the planetary system will reside in a level of higher consciousness, Christed consciousness as you think of it.” (The Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 12, 2019.)
“The seventh dimension is known as the dimension of the Christ Consciousness. This is the state of being the heart and knowing of Love. It is the growth opportunity for compassion, kindness, selflessness, honoring and Love. When you anchor in this place of consciousness you are fully capable of holding the vibrations, energies, lessons, understandings and growth of all of the 12 dimensions available to you on this planet. It is the gentle allowing state of being that permits expansion and incorporation of your entire original imprint, soul design – what you think of as your universal or higher self, your angelic self or your over-soul.” (“Albert Einstein – The Nature Of Life And Dimensions On Earth,” Feb. 15, 2015, at http://in5d.com/albert-einstein-the-nature-of-life-and-dimensions-on-earth/.)
(3) Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it? [The Ocean of Love is transformative love filling every inch of space.]
AAM: It is the Seventh Dimension. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.)
While this experience, above, was not truncated, another Seventh-Dimensional experience was:
Steve Beckow: I had an experience at a meditation workshop in which I felt regal. It was a partial experience [there was no bliss]. Can you tell me what that part of me was that I accessed.
Archangel Michael: … Your highest Self, your Oversoul, is very regal.
SB: So that was an experience of the Oversoul.
AAM: Yes. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 13, 2011.)
Arcturians: Seventh is your Oversoul. (Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Sue Lie, March 17, 2013.)
“The seventh dimension is known as the dimension of the Christ Consciousness. … It is … what you think of as your universal or higher self, your angelic self or your over-soul.” (“Albert Einstein – The Nature Of Life And Dimensions On Earth,” Feb. 15, 2015, at http://in5d.com/albert-einstein-the-nature-of-life-and-dimensions-on-earth/.)
(4) And, yes, that is unitive consciousness.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
A World that Works for Everyone is a Synonym for the Fifth Dimension | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/06/2020 11:40:00 PM