Realization and Ascension | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, August 30, 2020

Most people in the world do not know about Ascension. Most do not believe that we survive bodily death. Certainly most do not know that life has a purpose, a direction, a meaning. (1)

What we believe determines the world we live in – and the world we don’t. Another way of saying that is to say that what we believe determines what dimension of consciousness we anchor our being in.

Matthew Ward described our situation a few years ago:

“Although Earth and all of her residents are in fourth density location-wise [now Fifth to Seventh], the majority of the populace still is within third density awareness-wise.” (2)

Michael says that we’re anchored in the Fifth but we don’t realize it yet. So we’ve advanced since Matthew spoke in 2016 but we still haven’t “caught up” to where we truly are. We’re anchored in one dimension; but we think we’re in another.

Steve: I know that Gaia is in 7D. Are we in 5D and we just don’t realize it?

Archangel Michael: That is correct.

Now if you’re thinking where you are anchored, … Gaia and the kingdoms, etc., are very firmly anchored in the seventh dimension of love and have been for quite some time. …

If you are to make a generalized statement [it would be] that collective humanity, these beautiful Gaians, are in fact more firmly anchored in the fifth than anywhere [else]. (3)


As I said earlier, realizing is the highest form of knowledge. (4) Do we give much time to thinking about it? I wouldn’t imagine so. May I spend a moment?

All realization is is seeing things from a higher-dimensional perspective. It’s a brief Ascension to a dimension higher in vibration than our own. We then bring back what we saw to the lower, everyday dimension – if we can. (5)

So realization is a higher order of knowing. We have many minor realizations, to be sure – bright ideas, light-bulb moments, inspired solutions to old problems, etc.

But major realizations – that would qualify as enlightenment – are much rarer. The levels that interest us, because they’re on our forward journey, are:
  • fourth-chakra enlightenment, also called spiritual awakening and stream-entering, is usually the sight of the Self, but can also be a heart opening;
  • sixth-chakra enlightenment, also called savikalpa samadhi; I’m no longer inclined to put a limit on the number of ways enlightenment can show up; classically we’d have said the Light seen in all creation or clouds of consciousness.
  • seventh-chakra enlightenment, also called Brahmajnana, God-Realization, jnana, and kevalya nirvikalpa samadhi. Again I no longer want to put a limit on the ways enlightenment might show up; classically it’s described as the seeing of a Light beyond creation. It’s the first time we set foot in the Transcendental; and
  • sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi or Ascension, moksha, mukti, liberation from the wheel of birth and death; a full and permanent heart opening; entry into the Fifth Dimension of consciousness up to the Seventh, depending on the strength of our experience.

I wish I knew what it takes to “get up to” realization, but I don’t. Or am I thinking only of immediate ways?

Long-term ways are clear and include purification in one of many forms – forgiveness, blessing, prayer, cleansing of vasanas, service, etc. Purification is aimed at restoring us to our original, pure, and natural Self.

But whether purification takes us all the way… I don’t know. What was it Bernadette Roberts said? She knows.

“At a certain point, when we have done all we can [through purification, to bring about an abiding union with the divine], the divine steps in and takes over.” (6)

I favor the view that we take one step towards God and God races a mile towards us. I no longer believe we achieve enlightenment by our own efforts but by the grace of very real, higher beings (the Mother and the archangels). I think it helps to ask them for it. (Ask and ye shall receive.)

I imagine a lot depends on whether we’re in service or not and what that service is. I know that, for some, becoming enlightened is service.

If one is in service which requires us to interact with everyday people, I’d expect experiences to be only enough to encourage us on but not enough to tear us away from our work.


A realization as advanced as Ascension to the Fifth Dimension of consciousness will have an impact on the body, as the Company of Heaven knows. Let me spend a moment on that because it’s important.

Their concern for the survival of our bodies is what has us go slowly in our work-up to Ascension – that and the need to bring along billions of people who simply have no idea of what’s going on.

Realizations less senior than Ascension have seen spiritual aspirants give up their bodies. There’s a famous spiritual discussion to the effect that Brahmajnana or God-Realization, an event within the Third Dimension, leaves the ordinary person’s body so shattered that they survive no more than 21 days.

I imagine that their intense desire for enlightenment, no matter what the cost, persuaded the Mother and the archangels to agree to something that would prove fatal.

I personally don’t think that the Mother and our archangel would allow today’s lightworkers and lightholders to ascend until they know that their bodies are capable of weathering the rarified atmosphere. (Among other considerations.)

T.E. Lawrence was talking about Ascension from the spirit side of life when he said:

“Should a man try to live in that rarified spiritual air [of a higher plane than Lawrence occupies] who carried still in his being the uncleansed stains of earth, his sufferings would be terrible, as intense as the joy of which he would be capable when he is cleansed of them. (7)

The Fifth Dimension Lawrence might call “the Mental Plane,” but it’s the same thing being talked about. Again Lawrence stresses purification, being “cleansed of them.”

Not only do we have our work cut out for us in preparing our hearts, minds, and bodies for Ascension, but also in helping the vast majority of Earth’s population, who have no idea what’s happening, to endure the tremendous strains on the heart, mind, and body that Ascension could make.

We’re going to be asked a lot of questions. Are we ready?


(1) On the purpose of life, see “What is the Purpose of Life?” February 24, 2020, at

(2) Matthew’s Message, October 19, 2014, at

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 5, 2020.

(4) “The Cat is Out of the Bag,” August 25, 2020, at

(5) I once saw Michael in a lucid dream. He was on board ship. After talking for a bit, he rose up in the air. He only had a body from the waist up. He came over top of me and breathed something into me, after which I woke up.

I later asked him what he’d breathed into me, and he said, “Love, so you’d remember the experience.” So it took that extra ingredient to have me remember a nighttime excursion. Usually we don’t remember.

(6) Bernadette Roberts, “The Path to No-Self” in Stephan Bodian, ed. Timeless Visions, Healing Voices. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1991, 131.

(7) T.E. Lawrence through Jane Sherwood, medium, Post-Mortem Journal. Communications from T.E. Lawrence. London: Spearman, 1964, 86.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Realization and Ascension | Steve Beckow Realization and Ascension | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/31/2020 11:33:00 AM Rating: 5

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