Knowing Who I am is the Purpose of Life | Steve Beckow

The process I’m going through never stops…

By Steve Beckow, August 22, 2020

This process that I’m going through never stops – for any of us, not just me.

This is a time of gradual Ascension, gradual acclimatizing to a higher dimension, with its onerous demands on our bodies and minds. (1)

During it, I believe that many other people will go through a “divestiture” process – divesting ourselves of our dark, unfortunate, regrettable sides. We can’t take them with us. All of it has to go. And before it can go, it must be raised to awareness.

Many others may not know what’s happening.

I’m able to follow the process in myself thanks to the workshops, intensives, and seminars of the 1970s growth movement. (2)

The thread that runs through them and the eastern schools I subsequently followed is “awareness.” Yes, love, always, but the tool that we took away for our own special use – our microscope – was awareness.

Awareness, like love, is always, already universal. No one has a monopoly or patent on awareness. And the yoke of the awareness path is light: Simply maintain awareness of yourself at all times.

Sounds easy? Actually not quite.

The self-serving bias creeps in. We start calculating what’s to our benefit. And we begin to bend the truth and lie.

The upshot? A drop in awareness. That’s growth-movement talk. New-Age talk would be that we’d become more dense and drop dimensionally in consciousness. (Just kidding.)

My favorite ruse, when I’m self-serving, is to stand on principle. I even fool myself, though not at the deepest levels.

I’m usually not standing on principle. I’ve been triggered and I’m giving you my standard vasana-induced spiel.

It’s my protective coloration, my camouflage. I’m trying to squeeze through a narrow space called truth. It’s taking a lot of gyrations.

All of us are going to go through this process. And it’ll never stop. All of our lives are a return to purity, a shedding of dissimulation and subterfuge, until we reach the One.

As far as I know, we’ve agreed that we’d all stick together until Ascension, but the path doesn’t stop with Fifth or Seventh Dimensional Ascension. It goes on and on. (3)

The reason I chose awareness as my path, rather than bhakti (devotion) or karma (service – the exception is this current service contract), etc., is because I know what the purpose of life is.

As a result of an experience in 1987, (4) I know that the purpose of life is that God should meet God in a moment of our enlightenment. Can I shorten that up? Yes. The purpose of life is enlightenment.

And enlightenment means knowledge of our true nature. Knowledge. Discernment. Discrimination. Ever-sharpened awareness. The prime tool is knowledge.

I want to keep the skills of knowing who I am sharp because knowing who I am is the purpose of life.

During the short interval of this present service contract, I agree to follow the path of karma yoga or service but my first love remains awareness. Of every moment. Every breath.


(1) How many people are suffering from fatigue right now? Memory loss? Feelings of anxiety? Can you imagine if they doubled the rate of our Ascension?

(2) I think of it as the western version of experiencing being, awareness, and bliss absolute (the eastern Sat-Chit-Ananda).

(3) Moreover I’m led to believe that we’re a team, like the Halion engineers, who go from Ascension to Ascension. Not everyone continues on but the team does.

Here are the only details I have:

AAM: … When you complete this mission, (jokingly) you are allowed to have 200 years off. But what you do with that is up to you, dear one! You will certainly have full access to your inter-dimensionality. (AAM, Dec. 18, 2012.)

S: The next assignment is in the Seventh Dimension?

AAM: You will have a choice of planetary systems. This [Ascension] is just the warm-up for [that] Ascension. It is to bring a further rising of vibrations to those throughout the Universe. (AAM, Sept. 13, 2011.)

(4) See “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Knowing Who I am is the Purpose of Life | Steve Beckow Knowing Who I am is the Purpose of Life | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/23/2020 01:03:00 AM Rating: 5

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