Covid vs. Karma | Narendra Mishra

By Narendra Mishra, August 10, 2020

Do you believe in Karma? I mean really and truly believe, with all your heart?

For many of us, Karma is a nice thought. It’s very convenient for the little things. What I’m getting at here though, is Karma as something fundamentally deeper. I am getting at Karma as a universal law.

When you understand Karma you no longer live in fear– fear of contracting the COVID-19 virus, or any other fear for that matter. An understanding/knowing of the truth of Karma is antithetical to fear. In this article I will explain why.

Karma & Choice

In my article The Law of Karma – Rebooted, I spoke of three types of Karma- sanchita, prarabdha, and kriyaman.

In a nutshell, sanchita Karma is the accumulation of all personal Karma though all lifetimes. Prarabdha Karma is the Karma that is specifically chosen by a sovereign soul for experience in this current lifetime, and kriyaman Karma is that which is currently unfolding in time for the incarnate individual or jiva atman.

Not only is this distinction in Karma made in the Hindu scriptures, but also verified experientially. In his groundbreaking books, Journey of Souls (1) and Destiny of Souls (2), Dr. Michael Newton hypnotised hundreds of clients of all backgrounds and used their experiences to chart the main stages of the afterlife.

In all cases, souls spoke of a pre-incarnative experience where they would consult with the akashic record that stores their sanchita Karma. With the help of guides they would choose incarnative experiences for the upcoming lifetime on earth. In other words, they would choose the prarabdha Karma that they bring with them.

For most souls, this prarabdha Karma would be a mixed bag of mastered abilities, talents and gifts; as well as challenges that would give rise to karmic balancing, or facilitate the learning of certain lessons. ALL major events in a lifetime are carefully planned out by the soul in the pre-incarnative experience to ensure maximum use of the lifetime as a tool for soul evolution.

​In light of this careful planning it is easy to see that there are no accidents or coincidences in life. Fate is chosen in advance in accordance with one’s free will choice in the pre-incarnate experience. Furthermore, when incarnate, the state of one’s own consciousness acts to determine the events that we experience through the universal law of attraction.

This finding garners support in the most unlikely of places- quantum physics. Without getting into onerous detail, please allow me to briefly elaborate.

The Implications of Quantum Physics

For centuries, scientists since Issac Newton and Rene Descartes advocated the distinction between the observer (such as a person) and that which is observed (the real world). The universe out there (outside of our minds) was thought to be completely objective.

Reality was perceived to be that which could be observed and measured- length, weight, time, etc., and agreed upon by common consensus. For example, all people in a room might agree that the room exists and has certain dimensions of length, width, and height. This is independent on any individual person’s thoughts or emotions. This material objectivity formed the basis for the scientific paradigm at that time- classical or Newtonian physics.

So far so good. This adequately seems to describe the world we live in, and has given us many marvellous technologies. But…

The chief implication of the findings of quantum physics is that there may not be an objective reality ‘out there’ after all. Discovered about a century ago, quantum physics has found that it is impossible to separate the consciousness of the observer to that which is observed. In other words, consciousness creates the ‘reality’ that is observed and experienced.

In a phenomena known as wave-particle duality, sub-atomic quantum objects can behave as both a wave and a particle. The type of behaviour they display (wave or particle) depends on whether or not someone is watching them. If no one is watching they behave as quantum waves. If someone is observing them then they behave as particles.

The now famous double-slit experiment shows that it is the consciousness of the observer that mediates the transition of a sub-atomic quantum object such as an electron or proton to either wave or particle (or both simultaneously). In quantum jargon, consciousness ‘collapses’ the wave to a particle.

Given the fact that everything that we can see, feel, taste, smell or touch in the real world is made up of trillions of quantum objects, it makes sense that the the laws of quantum mechanics would apply to the real world as much as it does to the sub-microscopic quantum world. Retired quantum physics professor Amit Goswami has pointed out that macro objects display measurable quantum behaviour. (3)

In fact, quantum physicists have proven that all the laws of Newtonian mechanics can be solved by quantum equations. In effect, Newtonian physics is a subset of quantum physics. Quantum physics arguably provides a better model for understanding the manifest world than its predecessor, classical or Newtonian physics.

​Extrapolating upon these discoveries, it is easy to infer that consciousness can not only mediate in the behaviour of individualised quantum objects, but also macroscopic or real world objects as well that are comprised of trillions of quantum objects. In fact, many tightly controlled experimental studies have been conducted that prove beyond doubt that deliberate intention can significantly and measurably alter our physical reality. (4)

The Law of Attraction

This simple fact is the scientific basis for the spiritual principle best known as the law of attraction. In this principle, whatever thoughts or beliefs that a person holds in his/her consciousness creates a matching response in the ‘real’ world. This holds true regardless of whether these thoughts or beliefs are held consciously or subconsciously.

We are each constantly creating and experiencing reality by our thoughts and beliefs.

Our thoughts and beliefs that comprise our state of consciousness affect everything from our cells’ DNA to accidents, or synchronistic encounters in the ‘real’ world. (5), (6)

In quantum jargon we can say that our state of consciousness mediates the quantum wave superpositions constantly taking place within and around us. The interference patterns thus generated either decrease or increase the possibility of certain events manifesting.


Coming back to the main point of this article, we can see that we choose significant events in our lives (our Prarabdha Karma) and the laws of quantum physics conspire to make these events occur. For many of us, the contracting of the COVID-19 Coronavirus will constitute a significant life event and thus must be a part of our chosen Prarabdha Karma.

This is not to be cavalier in reference to those who have lost loved ones or have been otherwise affected due to the virus. Our prayers of loving support go out to all those so affected.

Rather, this piece serves to show the bigger picture at play. This bigger picture has our best interest at heart, concerned with our very souls evolution. This bigger picture is Karma.

Our accumulated Karma can and does play a part in shaping our thoughts and beliefs, and hence our state of consciousness. In fact, the higher purpose of Karma is to allow us to continually refine our thoughts and beliefs until we realise the ultimate truth- Aham Brahmasmi, ‘I AM GOD” or the I AM THAT I AM.

To answer my own question posed at the beginning of this piece,

Yes, I believe in Karma. Really and truly believe. More than believe. I know it to be a fact. Therefore I am not afraid of contracting COVID-19. If I do contract the virus then it is my pre-birth choice to do so. Furthermore, it will be a Karmic choice that is designed for my own soul’s growth and evolution. Thus, I have no fear.

Further Reading

There is no way I can adequately capture all of the interconnected ideas that I have introduced here in a single blog post. For that reason I have written several articles that explore each main concept in depth, and show the interconnectedness of the whole. I highly encourage you the reader to explore these articles at your leisure and hopefully, even to explore the references on your own to come to your own conclusions.

In The Science of Consciousness I look at the implications of quantum physics in detail, and argue the existence of a transcendent reality which supports the idea of existence after death, and survival of thoughts/emotions after death. This lends foundational support to the Vedic scriptural texts that propose the existence of multiple non-physical bodies that survive death of the physical body. In my article The Five Bodies I examine this concept in detail.

In my article The Chakras I examine the linkage between the non-physical bodies via a scriptural and scientific treatment involving physicist Nassim Haramein’s theories and biophotons. I then extend these ideas further to show the quantum basis of astrology in The Science of Astrology.


Newton, N. (2003). Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Newton, N. (2001). Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Goswami, A. (1995). The Self-Aware Universe. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam a member of Penguin Putnam Inc. New York, NY

Lynne McTaggart.

Lipton, B. (2011). The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles. Hay House.

Ho, M. (2008). The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Covid vs. Karma | Narendra Mishra Covid vs. Karma | Narendra Mishra Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/11/2020 09:49:00 AM Rating: 5

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