August 24, 2020
Recently I received a message from someone concerned about their future because of the The Storm and the Deep State's efforts to institute the New World Order and total control of our lives.
You know who you are and this response is for you. I doubt that you're going to like it.
We are all tempted at times to call the people who are unawake "sheep." I believe this term was coined by David Icke, at least that's the first I'd heard it used, and it is not very respectful of other people at all. It also tells me that you're very entrenched in your ego and your ego's need to condescend to others. You are where the Deep State wants you to be when you think this way.
It also tells me that you want to control other people rather than leaving them to live their own lives and frankly, even to suffer their own fate. You can't. You can only control yourself.
You're giving your power away. How are you doing that? By being in your ego which has been rendered powerless by the deep state and mind control. That's how. That's how they want you to be.
You have to learn the difference between being in ego and being in soul. Opening your heart and caring about those people who you fear are going to drive us into the lion's den is the way to do it. This world got to be the way it is because everyone is fearful for their own sakes and don't care about others.
Why should you care about them, you ask? Because it helps you. It helps you to raise your frequency out of fear and into love, and with that, you will not be touchable. There are many realities being played out right now. There are the timelines that are of higher frequency that have little problem, and there are others that are seeing a lot of the problems being created now. Why? Because that's how reality is. You jump timelines according to your frequency and when you call others "sheep" you're in a low frequency of being egotistical and condescending towards others. There is no love in what you're feeling, only fear. Fear puts you on the artificial timelines and in the hands of the Deep State, whether you want to be or not.
The people you call sheep are the people that have lived on this planet, who were once gods, and now are living with only two active strands of DNA through no fault of their own. These people have suffered lifetime after lifetime of futility, violence, abuse, toxicity, murder, rape, starvation, struggle, and more, and then having to hold down jobs in a pay-your-way-through economy, an economy that was created for them by beings that stole their world from them. Starseeds and lightworkers have come here to help free them. You have lost that focus when you call them "sheeple". Hopefully, it's only momentary and you can correct your error of perception and continue on with compassion for this world. Having compassion for them only helps you in the end because it puts you on a better timeline with a better outcome and re-empowers you. It opens your heart and connects you with soul, which is a much more preferable way to go through this Storm than in fear and ego. You have two minds: a lower mind, controlled by the dark forces, and a higher mind which is free to be who you truly are. Use your higher mind.
By calling them sheep, you are blaming them for your lot in life. You are giving your power away to them. You are saying you have no power; they have it all, while admonishing them for being powerless sheep! Do you see the irony of this? Where does that leave you? With less power than those you call sheep. Stop blaming, stop pointing fingers, and start taking responsibility for your attitude. You are acting like a victim, which by the way, is mind control programming. I've written a book on it and it can be overcome.
You have come to me to help you with this. You have asked me to triangulate, most likely to become the rescuer to your victim. The perpetrators, of course, are "the sheep" - the ones you see as the cause of your problem. I will not triangulate - I will not rescue you. But I will tell you how to rescue yourself.
The only way through this is by helping others, opening the heart and caring for those who are stuck, absolutely stuck, and who have been reincarnating over and over into this living hell. Look at the eyes of some of the older people, as I have; the Light they reflect is dim. These lives are running on empty, and these people were once the gods that ruled this planet. Is it any wonder they don't want to listen to us when we make fun of them and condescend to them? No wonder they don't seem to listen. Don't you think they've taken enough abuse? Yes, I know, they abuse us before we even think to abuse them. It doesn't matter. Have compassion anyway. Your response to their behaviour doesn't have to be the same as theirs, fear based, it can come from your compassionate soul.
Earthlings have the best DNA of all humans in the galaxy. You wouldn't know it to look at them now, would you? You have incarnated here to help to change this DNA and the way to change your DNA is to change your frequency. Your thinking and your emotions reflect whether your frequency is high or low so use them as a gauge.
Ashtar Sheran's video gives recommendations to help you. He mentions spirituality, and I believe becoming more spiritual is something so many people roll their eyes at, but the reason they do it is because they are mind controlled into thinking it's nonsense. It is the only way because it is the true way of a human, to become spiritual and to understand they are part of God, but so is everyone else.
Becoming spiritual takes daily work. There are no days off when you scrutinize your thinking and work to raise your frequency every day. But it's worth it because it ends your suffering and helps raise the frequency of the planet.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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Calling Others Sheeple | Aurea via Sharon Stewart
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/24/2020 10:33:00 PM