Friday, August 14, 2020
Bringing Heaven to Earth | Steve Beckow
By Steve Beckow, August 13, 2020
For me, the problem doesn’t lie with “isms” – fascism, communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism, etc.
In my view, it lies with leaving the center and swinging out onto the extremes. And, believe me, I do it too.
The interesting thing about the situation is that, when one is out on the extremes, it’s so noisy and busy that one cannot see that leaving the center in the first place is what has created the problem.
One can’t see anything when one is swept up in the energies of adoration or hatred – the two extremes.
Hitler’s followers adored him and more or less overlooked all his growing dictatorial behavior. (1) A person consumed by hatred towards a group is not inclined to consider quieting down when surrounded by others of the same persuasion. Mob rule, hysteria, a release of constraints, etc., usually takes over.
How hard it is to convince those who thrive on memes and herd behavior that the solution lies in the center. Oh, there’s no surprise about the solution. What else could it be?
Love is the solution. But love is not (usually) found hanging out with hatred, greed, domination, and other impassioned states or extremes. And, in the past, love has been overpowered and persecuted by those in their grip, on so many occasions.
What has brought all the evil in the world increasingly to our attention? Leaving aside the brave actions of the Alliance for a moment, it’s the waves of energy – i.e., love – that are coming to us from so many sources to ready us for God’s sacred banquet – Ascension.
Love has raised all resistance to love. Just as position attracts opposition, so also love attracts resistance to love, which either resolves itself or leaves the scene. As will happen with Planet Earth.
This is how bad it got for humanity: Two world wars and a third in the planning, which the galactics prevented. The cabal was planning to live out WWIII in deep underground military bunkers, most of which have now been destroyed.
Their actions had condemned the world to death from depleted-uranium poisoning, until the galactics removed the DU. (2)
They staged repeated global pandemics (SARS, swine flu, avian flu, etc.) to kill off a major portion of the population, the rest intended to serve the elite. The galactics tempered the pandemics while neutralizing the vaccines.
How can any of us look at the next person and feel superior, given the state of this world when its Creator (the Mother) shows up for our report?
We left the planet in a state of perpetual warfare, Mother. Without the intervention of our star family, we and the planet might not be here now. That is my report.
Isn’t it time to try something new, go a new way (repent)?
We all know what that new way is. Love. Allow me to embed it in a process.
Allow the love to flow up from your heart on the inbreath and on the outbreath send that love out to the world. No strings attached.
Love has to flow so you get to feel it as it passes through you, like a feather caressing your insides. You contribute to the available resource of love that the unseens can use where it’s most needed on the planet.
Instead of manipulating, insinuating, and “changing” those around us, let’s try loving them. (3) It’s time to take our first steps in the other direction, away from what leads to world war. This one, this alternative path leads to bringing Heaven to Earth.
(1) Burning of the Reichstag building, suspension of civil liberties, Night of the Long Knives, Kristallnacht, etc.
(2) See “This Planet Would Have Died Without the Galactics,” September 5, 2018, at; “HAARP, Chemtrails, and Depleted Uranium: All Neutralized or Gone,” August 7, 2013, at
For background, see Steve Beckow, “Depleted Uranium: Why We Must Not Go to War with Iran,” Sept. 3, 2007, at
Here are some quotes on the matter:
Steve Beckow: If the galactics had not neutralized depleted uranium, would this planet have died?
AAM: Yes. Now let me explain. It is not just that she would have died. It would have been that her will to continue on would not have been there.
SB: Wow, eh? That serious.
AAM: Yes, that serious. (Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, personal reading for Steve Beckow, August 6, 2013, at
“A considerable amount of our time has been [given to] cleansing your atmosphere of radioactive fallout and in more recent times the chemtrails.” (SaLuSa, March 19, 2010, at
“We have for many years, going far back into the last century, dealt with many problems arising from pollution and nuclear fall-out. We have limited contamination [for instance, from depleted-uranium weapons] to avoid as far as possible genetic damage to future generations.” (SaLuSa, May 12, 2010.)
“The elimination of pollutants in your soil, water and atmosphere will include depleted uranium and radioactive nuclear waste. Nuclear facilities will be dismantled.” (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.)
(3) And I don’t mean to imply that we can’t protect ourselves from people who approach us with malintent or in a dysfunctional way. Prudence still applies.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia